Kurlyak Vasyl Yuriyovych
Tel.: (+38 032) 239-47-13
E-mail: vasyl.kurlyak@lnu.edu.ua
The Vice-Rector for Management is in charge of the following activities:
- control over the implementation of decisions taken by public authorities responsible for higher education, decrees by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, decisions taken by the Scholarly Council of the University, Rector’s decrees and decisions taken by the Rectorate;
- maintenance and repair of academic, research and housing facilities of the University;
- providing academic and research buildings, dormitories with the necessary supplies;
- monitoring compliance with internal regulations in academic and research divisions, as well as in dormitories;
- storage and security of property in academic and research divisions, dormitories and on other premises of the Universities;
- monitoring the scope, quality, cost and timescales of construction and repair works;
- ensuring proper hygienic and sanitary conditions in academic and research divisions, as well as in dormitories;
- material assistance to the learning process and scientific research;
- monitoring of fire safety;
- monitoring of safety in academic buildings, research divisions and dormitories;
- preparation of prompt responses to organizations and public appeals related to the above-mentioned areas;
1983 – He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv, Faculty of Physics.
1989 – He completed postgraduate studies at Lviv University.
1983-1986 – Engineer, 1989-1991 – Junior Research Fellow, 1991-2011 – Lecturer, since 2001 – Docent at the Department of Experimental Physics at Lviv University.
Synthesis and study of optoelectronic parameters (indices of refraction, birefringence, absorption and transmission spectra) of the ferroelectricity of crystals in the UV-visible region of the spectrum, study of the phase transition behaviour under the influence of uniaxial mechanical pressure, research of the inversion of birefringence sign. Author of about 70 scientific papers.