On 31 November 2018 Mr.Ole T.Horpestad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Ukraine paid a visit to Lviv University. During his stay at the university, the Norwegian Ambassador met with Recor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Melnyk, students and lecturers of International Relations Department.
Besides, Volodymyr Melnyk and Mr.Ole T.Horpestad discussed perspectives of deepening of cooperation between Lviv University and educational and scientific institutions of Norway, participation in joint international projects and priorities of the popularization of Norwegian culture in Ukraine and Ukrainian in Norway.
During the meeting with the students of the Faculty of International Relations, Ole T. Horpestad highlighted the important aspects of the bilateral relations between Ukraine and Norway. The diplomat also told about the major milestones of Norway’s history, the structure, and functions of the Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine, Norway’s investment in Ukraine (especially in the energy sector), and so on. Violating the issue of the security environment, the annexed Crimea and the war in the East of Ukraine, Ole T. Horpestad assured that Norway would support sanctions against Russia until the official Moscow behavior changes. In addition, the Ambassador emphasized the importance of democratic transformations in Ukraine and the readiness of Norway to help our country.