On May 17-18, 2024, representatives of LvivUniversity took part in the “International Vechornytsi” festival, which took place at “KROK” University, as part of the implementation of the INTERADIS/ Integration and adaptation of foreign students project (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL- EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
On May 17-18, 2024, representatives of Lviv University took part in the “International Vechornytsi” festival, which took place at “KROK” University, as part of the implementation of the INTERADIS/ Integration and adaptation of foreign students project (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL- EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). Delegates of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv were 3-4 year students of the Faculty of Culture and Arts, Anastasia Ivanes and Oleksandr Petryna, as well as VitaliyKuharskyy, Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and IT-Development, and Roksolyana Svizinska, representative of the development and fundraising department.
The first day of this event began with a welcome speech by the rector of the “KROK” University, Andriy Kuchka. Andriy Lotarev, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education of KROK University, and Svitlana Shitikova, Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, joined his congratulations, as well as Olena Shapovalova, director of the state enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for International Education”. Audra Dargite Burokyenie, head of the international department of Mykolas RomerisUniversity(Lithuania) also expressed her congratulations.
After the ceremonial opening, the real “Vechornytsi” began. The main performers of the festival were foreign students of 8 Ukrainian higher education institutions, among whom were representatives of Lviv University, Anastasia Ivanes and Oleksandr Petryna. The participants impressed the audience with national songs, presentations, traditional dances and poems, presenting the cultures of their countries: Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Tunisia, China, India, Portugal, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, and Syria. Ivanes Anastasia pleasantly surprised everyone with the performance of a traditional Portuguese lyrical song about love and fate – fado. Oleksandr Petryna presented an article about how Ukraine and Syria are connected by culture and national spirit. “We are at this festival for the first time. We have many hopes because we want to learn about different cultures, how other people ended up in Ukraine and why they want to continue their activities here,” says Anastasia.
“The integration of foreign students and their adaptation into our society are fundamental aspects of our educational and cultural mission. Our university community is made richer and stronger by the diversity of cultures, languages and traditions that students bring with them from different parts of the world. Creating a conducive environment for their learning and social integration contributes to their success and enriches our shared experience. Together we are shaping the future, where tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation become the basis for sustainable development and prosperity,” commented Vitaliy Kuharskyi.
The next day, the guests of the festival took part in the event “KROK gathers friends”, where they had the opportunity to visit various locations, including the University’s TV studio, the innovation laboratory, master classes by the University’s leading specialists and workshops with the participation of stakeholders. After lunch, the participants of the “International Vechornytsi” event went on a tour of Kyiv, organised by the University’s partner – ESN Kyiv. The route ran from the most picturesque street of the city, Khreshchatyk, through the Golden Gate, one of the oldest buildings in Eastern Europe and a symbol of Kyiv, bypassing the Andriyivskyi Uzviz, one of the oldest roads connecting the Upper Town and Podil, and ended with a joint photo session.
In total, this event was attended by more than 120 participants and spectators who visited the “KROK” University.
In addition, about 20 people joined the online broadcasts, including international students and partners of the INTERADIS project.
Also, on May 20, a meeting of project partners was held online. The following topics were presented during the meeting: preparation of materials for the final publication within the project, plan of future meetings, including sustainability training and preparation for International Highlight Event 2, presentation of reporting requirements for work package owners and preparation for the final report, discussion of further cooperation and ensuring the sustainability of the INTERADIS project. Many thanks to all partners for fruitful cooperation and productive meetings!