Research interests: experimental research dedicated to the study of the nuclear reactions mechanisms and the atomic nuclei structure. The most famous scientific achievement of Oleksa-Myron Bilaniuk is a paper on the possibility of the existence of particles moving at speeds greater than the speed of light in vacuum, published in the American Journal of Physics (1962) and co-authored with the Indian physicist George Sudarshan.
Oleksa-Myron Bilaniuk is also the author of about 100 works, among which Nuclear experiments tasks (Ukrainian Engineering News. 1959. Pt. 1 (162)); Meta-Relativity (American Journal of Physics 1962. Vol. 30; et al.); Diproton and the H3 (d, t) He2 Reaction (Physics Letters. Vol. 7; et al.); Reliability of Fractional Registry and Nuclear Spectra (Nuclear Instruments and Methods. 1966. Vol. 44; et al.); George Gamow, 1904–1968 (Scientific and Technical Bulletin. Toronto; Munich. Pt. 2); Tachyons. Selected publications dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the tachyon hypothesis (Lviv, 2002). Moreover, he published materials about Ukrainian physicists of the diaspora (Physical collection of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Lviv. Vol. 1).
Oleksa-Myron Bilaniuk was acknowledged as a Foreign Member of the NAS of Ukraine (1992); a Full Member (since 1975) and the President (1998–2006) of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the USA; an Honorary Member of the Ukrainian Engineers’ Society of America (since 1987); a Full Member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA; a Member of the American and European Scientific Societies, a Member of the editorial board of Ukrainian Journal of Physics, World of Physics and Physical collection of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. He was an editor of slogans in physics in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Ukrainian Studies) and the English-language Encyclopedia of Ukraine. He was awarded Cyril Sinelnikov Prize of NASU (1996), and Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2002).
Literature: Who’s Who in the World. 1978–83; American Men and Women of Science. Physical Science (1973–99); Who’s Who in America. 1974; Who’s Who in Technology. 1984, 1989; Physical collection of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. 1996. Vol. 2; 2002. Vol. 5; Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. 2003. Vol. 2; Shevchenko Scientific Society Bulletin. Pt. 29; 2006. Pt. 37; Who’s Who in Ukraine. Кyiv, 2004; Sharapova V. Ukrainian Physicists and Astronomers. Ternopil, 2008.
Dovhyi Y.