BATSEVYCH Floriy Serhiiovych (4 May 1949, the village of Letychiv, now — Khmelnytskyi Oblast (province)) is a linguist, Candidate of Philological Sciences (Internal structural development of verbs denoting social relations in the modern Russian language, 1981), Associate Professor (1988), Doctor of Philological Sciences (Russian verb in the functional-onomasiological aspect of the study, 1995), Professor (2001). He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1977), postgraduate studies (1980). He has been engaged as an Assistant Professor in 1984-88, an Associate Professor in 1988-2001, a Professor since 2001, a Chairperson of the Department of General Linguistics since 1993 and the Department of Russian for Foreign Citizens of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 1984-88.
Research interests: general linguistics, philosophy of language, communicative linguistics, linguistic pragmatics.
Floriy Batsevych is the author of about 300 works, among which Essays on functional lexicology (Lviv, 1997; et al.); Fundamentals of communicative deviatology (Lviv, 2000); Essays on communicative linguistics (Lviv, 2003); Fundamentals of communicative linguistics (Kyiv, 2004); Linguistic genealogy: problems and prospects (Lviv, 2006); Philosophy of language. History of linguistic and philosophical doctrines (Kyiv, 2008); Spiritual synergetics of native language: linguo-philosophical essays (Kyiv, 2009); Essays on linguistic pragmatics (Lviv, 2010).
Literature: Master of the word play: Collection of articles in honor of prof. Batsevich F. S. Lviv, 2009; Shevchenko L. I. Ukrainian linguist Floriy Batsevych: honoring on the occasion of the anniversary // Current issues of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice. 2009, (18); Ukrainian language: encyclopedia. Kyiv, 2007.
Buk S.