Ivan Ovksentiyovych (12.ХІІ.1924, v. Zalisy Ratniv region Volyn’ oblast’. – 10.Х.2009, Lviv) – literary critic, folklorist, Franko studies specialist, Cand. sc. Philology  (Fiction by Mikhail Pavlik, 1956), assistant professor. (1956), Dr. Sci in Philology sciences (Development of Ukrainian short prose of the XIX-early XX centuries, 1986), Professor. (1988). Graduated from Volodymyr- Volyn’. Teacher training college (1947), Ukrainian Department of Faculty of philology in Lviv University (1953), post graduate studies (1956). In 1956–88 ass.professor, 1988–2009 professor at Ukrainian literature and folk studies departments, 1988–96 Director of Franko studies Institute in Lviv University; taught Ukrainian language at Velyko Tarnovo and Szczecin Universities.

Research interests: genealogy, history of Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian folklore, theory of literature, methods of teaching literature in high school, area studeis.

About 300 works, including Mikhail Pavlyk (K., 1960); Inexhaustibility of the atom (Lviv, 2001); Ratniv region, The Kosach’s manor estate (Lviv, 1999; with co-author.); Ratniv area: Local history essay (Lutsk, 2003); literary and folklore works: in 3 volumes, 4 books (Lviv, 2005).

Lviv University Professor emeritus (2001). Full member of Shevchenko Scientific Society , eminent science and technology professor (2006), Member of Lviv University subject-oriented council, editorial boards of “Mythology and Folklore”, “Scientific Notes of the Ivan Franko Museum in Lviv”, editor-in-chief of the collection “Ukrainian Literary Studies: Ivan Franko. Articles and materials ”,“ Bulletin of Lviv University Philology Series ”.

Sources: Ivan Denysiuk. Bibliographical reference / Complier Ya. Harasym, P. Salevych. Lviv, 1998; “From his soul imprinted”: Collection of scientific works in honor of Professor Ivan Denisyuk: In 2 vols. Lviv, 2001; Scots A. A word about Ivan Denisyuk. Lviv, 1999; Paniznik S.S. Дзенісюк Іван Ауксенцьевіч // Энцыклапедьея літаратури і мистацтва Беларусі. Мінськ, 1985. Т. 2; УЛЕ.; Pavlyuk I. Ivan Denisyuk – Man of the year 1998 // Day 12th November.; Wątrŏbski L. Wspołpraca polsko – ukraińska rozwija się dobrze // Dziennik Pol. London. 1997. 30 grud.

Ya. Harasym