
Fetsko Ivanna Myhajlivna


Теrminology  of  Museum  Studies:  Shaping,  System-and-Structure Organization, Term Formation.

Defence Date



Dissertation for the scholarly degree of Candidate (Linguistics), Specialization
10.02.01  –  The  Ukrainian  Language.  –  The  Ivan  Franko  National  University  of
Lviv. – Lviv, 2015.
The dissertation is devoted to the processes and specific features of forming
and  developing  the  Ukrainian  term  system  of  Museum  Studies  as  well  as  the
shaping  of  museology  under  conditions  of  the  historical  development  of  the
Ukrainian  language.  The  periodization  of  the  formation  of  the  Museology  term
system  is  motivated  by  linguistic  and  extralinguistic  factors.  The  author  has

identified  major  stages  in  the  development  of  the  term  system  and  the  specific
features  of  coining  terms.  The  corpus,  which  is  sourced  from  contemporary
Ukrainian  dictionaries,  reference  books,  manuals  in  museology,  has  helped  to
analyze the organization of the term system in museology, reveal its lexical and
semantic  features,  describe  ways  of  forming  the  terms,  distinguish  their  major
structural  models,  and  measure  their  productivity,  show  the  influence  of  foreign
languages on enriching the Ukrainian term system of museology.
According  to  their  hierarchical  structure  and  the  amount  of  the  nominative
units, the macro- and micro-groups have been defined in the elaborated lexical and
thematic classification of the Ukrainian term system of museology.
The  research  investigates  a  number  of  semantic  relations  –  hypernymy,
hyponymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy etc. – in the term system of Museum
The analysis of morphological and syntactic structures proves that the special
feature of the museology lexicon lies in the existence of synthetic (one-component
terms) and analytic terms (term combinations).
The  synthetic  terms  are  represented  by  both  derivative  and  non-derivative
term units. The study of Ukrainian museology terms, esp. their structures, displays
the preservation of this tendency in analytical terms as the majority of present-day
term systems testify to this regularity.
The  analysis  of  word-building  structures  shows  that  the  development  of
Ukrainian  museology  terms  is  based  on  morphologic  and  non-morphologic
derivation.  In  the  course  of  coining  the  museology  terms,  the  morphologic
derivation,  represented  by  prefixation,  suffixation,  prefixation-suffixation,
composition  and  abbreviation,  is  more  productive  than  non-morphologic
derivation, particularly its lexical-semantic and morphological-semantic ways.
The  museology  term  system  is  formed  on  the  national  lexical  basis  with
accepting direct and indirect lexical loans. The Ukrainian museology term system
is  characterized  with  genetic  heterogeneity  of  term  units  that  reflects  the  lasting
historical process of developing the term system under study. The overwhelming
majority  of  the  terms  are  of  Latin  and  Greek  origin.  The  lexicon  of  terms  in
Museum Studies is constantly supplied with derivatives and borrowings from other
European  languages,  which  are  later  influenced  by  the  grammatical,  word-
building, and phonetic laws of the Ukrainian language.
Key  words:  Ukrainian museology term system, term, lexicon, paradigmatic
relations, lexical and semantic field, derivation of terms, term loan, word-building
means, term combination.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File