
Romanyna Iryna Romanivna


Structural  and  semantic  peculiarities  of  dialect  texts  about wonders in Naddnistrianskyy dialect.

Defence Date



The  dissertation  for  the  Сandidate  of  Philology  scientific  degree  in  specialty
10.02.01 – Ukrainian language. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, 2015.

In  the  dissertation  the  structural  and  semantic  features  of  dialect  texts  about
wonders  were  studied  based  on  text  categories.  The  dialect  texts  about  healing,
punishment, the history of miracle places and miraculous signs are highlighted.
Network of basic dialects were formed in the localities of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk
and Ternopil regions. They are associated with miraculous objects or places (places of
the  appearance  of  the  Mother  of  God,  miraculous  source  and  icons).  Recorded  and
processed dialect texts unites theme of miracle that is understood as an extraordinary
event  that  violates  the  laws  of  nature,  associated  with  the  Christian  teaching  and
nominated  God’s  power  and  presence.  The  paper  analyzes  the  history  of  the
Naddnistrianskyy  dialect  study,  the  method  of  dialect  text  research,  the  main  text
categories that are the basis of analysis. Dialect texts is characterized by the following
text  categories:  coherence,  cohesion,  discreteness,  informativity,  modality,
anthropocentric, continuum, intertextuality, which are interrelated and complementary.
The description of the material is carried by a single scheme, the texts are analyzed by
text categories and outline verbal and nonverbal expressions of text categories that often
coincide in the texts of various groups.
The main categories of texts about wonders is the cohesion and coherence which
dominate other text categories, providing semantic and structural integrity of the text.
The  integrity  of  the  text,  its  deeper  meaning  create  keywords  that  are  explicated  in
concepts  («God»,  «Mother  of  God»,  «faith»,  «sin»,  «punishment»,  «miracle»).  The
texts implemented various types of cohesion, especially formal grammatical, lexical and
compositional  and  structural;  associative  and  figurative  cohesion  inherent  for  texts
about healing and the miraculous signs. In dialect texts about healing and miracle places
dominated factual information, but in texts about punishment and the miraculous signs
are  conceptual,  which  transmits  the  author’s  attitude  and  shows  the  connection  of
subjective  modality.  The  manifestations  of  intertextuality  categories  are proverbs and
sayings,  which  reflect  the  religious  world  and  allusions  to  the  Scriptures,  apocryphal
texts  and  prayer  books,  which  are  largely  represented  in  the  analyzed  texts,  because
people  often  consciously  or  unconsciously  «include»  them  in  their  speech.  With
intertextual  codes  speaker  decodes  the  basic  meaning  of  the  text,  because  often  the
intertext actualizes morality. On the basis of dialect texts in grammatical system many
features  characteristic  of  phonetic,  morphological  and  syntactic  levels  of
Naddnistrianskyy  dialect  (most  of  which  are  archaic)  are  revealed.  Shown  parallel  is
formed even within one idiolect resulting from the interaction of a dialect and literary
standards. According to the theme 5 thematic groups that reflect different areas of life
are selected, but they are limited by the themes of texts. The most complete names are
physical and mental states, calendar ritual, ceremonial church names. The text is one of
the sources of syntactic analysis, the specifics of which also caused the rate of speech,
intonation, pauses, gestures and communicative situation. Typical for Naddnistrianskyy
dialect communication and syntactic structures (simple and complex, conjunctions and
asyndetic, with different types of communication) are recorded in the dialect texts. For
the  first  time  in  dissertation  comprehensively  is  explored  the  dialect  texts  about  the
wonders of Naddnistrianskyy dialect, approaches to defining the categories of text to
analyze actually dialect text are improved, the structure of the text is revealed, lexical
and syntactic features that are disclosed in the context, dialectal grammar is reproduced.
Keywords:  dialect  text,  Naddnistrianskyy  dialect,  verbal  and  nonverbal
expressions,  structure  and  semantics  of  text,  text  category,  coherence,  cohesion,
modality, informativity, dialectal features.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File