
Smochko Nataliia Mykhaylivna


Theoretical and methodological bases of monodevelopment of territorial systems in Ukraine

Defence Date



The thesis presents the development of theoretical provisions and
methodological principles as the newest direction of research of monodevelopment
processes and territorial social and geographical systems and monosystems of different
hierarchical level, the modern component of which is monosystem approach to
research the territorial social and geographical systems, theory of monosystems
development and principles of their management. Its applied makes it possible to build
a social and geographical relief of the territory, which will be harmoniously
superimposed on the physical-geographical relief, helping to reduce environmental
pollution, and ultimately intensifying the formation of a favorable geographical
environment for the population.
Any territorial system of any hierarchical level can be considered as a
monosystem in a geographical or in accordance with its determinant functions social
space, conditionally simplifying it by using the method of generalization to identify 39
the most important subsystems or elements that give grounds to state the
monosystemicity of the studied object. This allows to gain new knowledge about the
system, as well as the trajectory of the dynamics of its most important attributes,
allows at the verbal level to reveal its essence, to assess the attribute as an expression
of monosystemicity. Approaches to determining the criteria of the process of
monodevelopment have been substantiated, where the criterion is the basis for
evaluation, and the attribute of the territory (socio-geographical system) or its separate
element is the basis for the development of the criterion of monodevelopment. The set
of criterion features can be represented in the form of a single-criteria model using the
method of generalization, or in the form of a multi-criteria model was determined.
The factors of monodevelopment as a process and the factors of monodevelopment of
socio-geographical systems has been revealed, their classification is developed with
allocation of the basic and auxiliary block, system-forming and system-forming
preconditions and conditions.
The use of several different methods in the study of the monodevelopment of
socio-geographical systems of different hierarchical levels allows a comprehensive
learn the subject of study, its historical and geographical aspects, and socio-economic
prospects for development. An important place in the work is given to the role of the
chorological paradigm and the formation of a new paradigm of development research
and monodevelopment in the information society, analysis of marginality and its
universality in the field of philosophical laws, assessment and formation of
monodevelopment systems in the context of the formation of theoretical basis of social
geography, analysis of the evolution of its essence in the theories and concepts of
territorial organization of society. The thesis formed a modern scientific direction of
territorial monosystems, which focuses on the study of issues such as
monodevelopment, monosystem and given the needs of practice identified their role in
shaping the socio-geographical relief to meet the latest needs of man, group of people
and society. This scientific direction is based on the use of chorological geospatial
paradigm, several philosophical and socio-geographical laws, specific axiomatic
doctrines and conceptual principles, the method of generalization as the main in the
study of a particular object of study – territorial monosystem, as well as the use of
conceptual terminology. The theoretical core of this direction is the theory formulated
by the author as the development of socio-geographical monosystems and the essence
of which is that the identification, delineation, and evaluation of the most general
features of attributes, main features or general trends of any socio-geographical
territorial systems is concretized and facilitated.
The mono-development of agrarian territorial systems and transformation of
their territorial structure, industrial territorial systems, techno parks and industrial
innovation centers as the newest spatial nodes and specialized social nodes in the
structure of the newest space of the region have been carried out. It was proved that,
given the essence of agrarian territorial systems, the study of monoprocesses related to
the use of natural resources of agricultural production is of great importance. The data
presented in the dissertation and their analysis allow us to conclude that for a full
coverage of the peculiarities of rural development is not enough to study the course of
any one monoprocess within it, or even several processes. In this case, it is necessary to consciously choose a monoprocess – a function (feature), which should be accepted
as fundamental in this case. The conceptual bases of strategic management of mono-
development of territories have been presented, substantiated by the author based on
foreign and Ukrainian experience, strategic objectives for the management of mono-
development of the Carpathian region and approaches to their implementation have
been proposed, considering reform of administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine
implementation. The social geography strategic tasks should be built in the conditions
of application of the interdisciplinary approach at use of its theoretical and
methodological base. A methodical approach to the mathematical substantiation and
choice of solutions for the management of the monodevelopment of the territorial
system considering its structural changes has been developed. The forecasting the
long-term development of spatial monosystems is expedient to identify strategic tasks
that will prevent the approach of the bifurcation boundary and will totally control the
monodevelopment of the spatial geosystem and strategic tasks that in a state with
indicators close to retrospective, which ensured its monosystemicity, but which after
returning to the monosystemic state will function at a qualitatively new level.
Examples of strategic tasks to ensure the promising mono-development of
monosystems in which there is no human activity as a component of the system, or in
which any human activity were minimized. Socio-geographical strategic tasks have
been formed, the implementation of which should ensure such a promising
monodevelopment of individual spatial protected monosystems of the Carpathian
region, which will minimize the impact of socio-geographical relief on the state of
natural systems and organically combine the coexistence and functioning of socio-
geographical systems.
Key words: process, system, monodevelopment, monosystem, strategic
management, socio-geographical relief, monosystem approach, theory of monosystem
development, Carpathian region.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File