According to the Decree No 195/2021”On awarding Ukrainian state awards in honour of the Day of Science” issued by the president on 17 May 2021 two scientists of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv were awarded honorary awards.

The honorary title of “Honoured worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine” for the significant contribution to the development of national science and strengthening scientific and technical potential of Ukraine, long years of hard work and high professionalism was granted to Anatolii Voloshynovskyi, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, the head of the Department of experimental physics at Lviv university.

Volodymyr Bilaniuk, candidate of geographical sciences, the dean of the faculty of geography, docent at the Department of physical geography was awarded the title “Honoured Education worker” for his achievements is the development of education, his professional activity and preparing a highly qualified staff.

We cordially congratulate Anatolii Stepanovych and Volodymyr Ivanovych on their high state awards and wish all their plans to be implemented and their significant achievements to be a solid foundation in the development of the university and Ukrainian science.