International e-conference “Translation as Resistance: The Politics of Intercultural Mediation in East Central Europe” (June 7, 2022)


International E-Conference

in support of Ukrainian scholarship in Language and Cultural Studies

Translation as Resistance:
The Politics of Intercultural Mediation in East-Central Europe

June 7, 2022

Lviv, Ukraine

Cultures of mediation have always been embedded in political and social forces that shape the relations between languages, communities and nations. Translation histories in many European states prove that translation gains special intensity if its function is to underscore the prevailing differences among two contexts, be they ideological, historical, or socio-cultural. Translation hence takes on the distancing function so as to express the “gulfs which separate languages and cultures” (Simon 2013) and becomes instrumental in tackling the asymmetries along with manifesting the resistance to any form of oppression. In this relation, the acts and events of translation play a powerful role in consolidating the cultural identity, producing political transformation, preserving linguistic justice, contributing to democracy and supporting human rights.

This conference aims to emphasize the role of the politics of translation in East-Central Europe by centering on four dimensions, which are representative of the way the conference program is structured:

(1) translation and identity;
(2) translation and memory;

(3) translation and power;
(4) translation and conflict.

Following the dramatic events of the war that is unfolding on the European continent, there is a special session on Ukrainian translation, focusing on the agency of Ukrainian translators and their activism in Russian imperial, Soviet and present times.

The conference also presents a discussion panel of the recently published book “Translation under Communism” (2022), which will be chaired by Christopher Rundle (University of Bologna), one of the co-editors of the volume.


  • Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
  • Maksym Strikha (Taras Shevchenko National University of Lviv, Ukraine)
  • Andriy Danylenko (Pace University, USA)

The conference program is available under the following link.

The conference will close with a joint session East Central Europe as a Space of Translation: Solidarity – Activism – Resistance that will be an open discussion for translation scholars to position East Central Europe as a space of translational forces across power differentials.

For non-presenting participants to attend the e-conference, it is requested to fill in the registration form.

All non-presenting participants will be sent the links to online sessions and a book of conference abstracts on June 6, 2022.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organizing committee:

Oksana Dzera

Iryna Odrekhivska


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