The Erasmus + EU4DUAL project will be undertaken in collaboration between Lviv National University and the Koszalin University of Technology.

Lviv University has been accepted into the EU4DUAL (European University Alliance on Dual Education), which operates within the Erasmus+ program under the European Universities (Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation) direction. This was made possible by a successful collaborative...

At the University of Versailles-Saint-Canton-en-Yvelines (France), a week-long study has begun as part of the “UTTERLY” project of the ERASMUS+ program

From December 5 to 9, in the French city of Versailles, a week-long study will be held within the framework of the “UNIVERSITY TEACHERS’ CERTIFICATION CENTRES: INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO PROMOTION TEACHING EXCELLENCE (UTTERLY)” project of the ERASMUS+ program. It is yet another...

Startup Jam: students of Lviv University presented startups to entrepreneurs from Ukraine, the USA, Germany and Sweden

November 25, 2022, Startup Jam – presentation of students’ startup projects – took place at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (IFNUL), Ukraine. The event was organized by Ihor Katernyak, Associate Professor...

IFNUL and Chemnitz University of Technology strengthen cooperation and implement a joint project

The Chemnitz University of Technology is a long-standing partner of Lviv University, the cooperation agreement with which was concluded back in 1992. Over the years of cooperation, the universities have implemented many important scientific and educational initiatives, and after the...

The University of Lviv implements three projects in the programme “Ukraine digital” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has announced the projects, funded under the programme “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis”. The programme aims to support Ukrainian higher education institutions in developing digital offerings that should help Ukrainian...