Excerpts from the Law of Ukraine “On scientific and scientific-technical activity” as of 13.12.1991 No 1977XII concerning scientific and technical councils
Article 10. Academic (scientific, scientifictechnical, technical) council of academic institution
Academic (scientific, scientifictechnical, technical) council of academic institution is a collegial consultative body for management of the scientific and scientifictechnical activity of academic institutions.
The number of members of the academic (scientific, technical, technical) council of academic institution is determined by the statute (regulation) of academic institution. At least three quarter of its members is elected by secret ballot by the staff and the rest of the members is appointed by the Rector’s order of this academic institution.
The Rector of the academic institution, his deputies and academic secretary of the academic institution are members of the academic (scientific, technical, technical) council of academic institution according to position.
With the aim of representing the interests of the staff the Head of Worker’s Trade Union Committee (trade union representative) can become the member of the academic (scientific, technical, technical) council of academic institution (by general consent).
{Part four of Article 10 as amended according to Law No 1096IV as of 10.07.2003}
Academic (scientific, scientifictechnical, technical) council of academic institution:
- identifies perspective areas of scientific and technological activity;
- provides scientific and technical evaluation of subjects and the results of scientific research;
- reviews and approves the current plans for research;
- approves themes of dissertations of applicants and postgraduate students, their supervisors (scientific consultants);
- approves the results of attestation of researchers;
- elects scientific researchers onto the vacant positions (on a competitive basis);
- within its competence considers the question concerning awarding of academic degrees;
- solves other issues of the activity of the academic council, determined by its statute.
Within academic institution specialized academic councils for the defence of dissertations on relevant specialities in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine can be created.