- Constituent documents
- Collective labour agreement for 2017-2020
- Licence and certificates
- Reports
- Financial Documents
- Regulation on administrative, working and other University bodies
- Academic Council Documents
- Rectorate Documents
- Regulations on structural subdivisions of the University
- Regulations on University Commission
- Regulations on Research Activities
- Documents on the organization and quality assurance of the educational process
- Licensing and Accreditation
- International cooperation
- Regulations on awards, titles and bonuses
- Regulations on University electronic resources
- Scholarship documents
- Documents on Staff management
- Decrees of the Ministry
- Publishing documents, publication specifications
- Office work
- Access to public information
- Rules of procedure
- Certification training
- Regulations on ensuring academic honesty at Ivan Franko National University of L’viv
- Code on academic honesty at Ivan Franko National University of L’viv
- Social Development Plan of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv for 2020
- Prevention of corruption
- Information on tender procedures
- Fire safety and civil protection
- Temporary Regulations on Organizational Support and Ensuring the Establishment and Activity of Specialized Academic Councils at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Temporary Regulation of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on distance internships for professors, associate professors, senior researchers in higher education institutions, scientific (or scientific and technical) institutions in OECD and / or EU countries