The university takes part in the following projects:
Type: EIT HEI Initiative
Project Title: “HIVE: HEI Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship”
Project description: The HIVE project aims to increase the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of project partners by networking and exchanging the best practices identified nationally and internationally. The project aims to scale up commercialisation and introduce institutional change in higher education through the implementation of a jointly developed Innovation Vision Action Plan with a view towards 2030.
The consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) and two important actors from the other side of the knowledge triangle was created to achieve systemic impact in higher education at institutional level. The aim was to increase innovation and entrepreneurial capacities, and to better integrate into and engage with the following innovation ecosystems.
The consortium brings together all knowledge triangle components of education, research and businesses.
The transnational collaboration is essential for increasing the innovation and entrepreneurial capacities of individual organisations, and boosting sustainable economic growth and competitiveness of partner countries. The project envisages multiplication of knowledge, understanding and advancement of the internal processes, as well as integration in the innovation ecosystems to: enable policies, regulations and accessibility of finance; raise the know-how of human resources; boost research; and sustain a supportive culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in general. The sustainability of the action is also ensured by bringing together different actors of the knowledge triangle in order to create a real difference and open up new possibilities for the project target groups and stakeholders. These include students, HEIs’ academic and non-academic staff, as well as start-ups. Partner mutual commitment will be followed by future projects, including joint commercialisation activities, research activities, operations management of the set structures, as well as by continuation of the training course.
Based on the experience exchanged and knowledge accumulated, HEI partners will develop:
- a roadmap for new supportive structures;
- a methodology for impact assessment;
- a network integration action plan;
- a handbook on technology transfer;
- an online training programme with blended learning options and adoption for curricula for the sustainability of the project.
Leader partner: University of Latvia
Partner organisations:
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria);;
- Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic);
- Essec Business School (France);
- Riga Stradins University (Latvia);
- Ted University (Turkey);
- The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Austria);
- University of Coimbra (Portugal);
- Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine)
- Dnipro University of Technology (Ukraine)
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)
Associated partners:
- Coursera (USA)
Project duration: July 2022 – June 2024
Participation of the University in Erasmus + KA1 projects
Erasmus +KA1 projects assume the academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff.
Jean Monnet
The main goal of the project is to create an autumn school “Creative industries: European experience” (EUCREAT) for students, teachers, the public to deepen knowledge on the subject of creative industries, using the experience of the EU. This will contribute to the formation of a contingent of competitive specialists in the creative and cultural spheres that will be needed by domestic and European labor markets.
The specific objectives of the project “Creative industries: European experience” (EUCREAT) are: – promoting best practices and research in the field of creative industries in the European Union around the world, disseminating knowledge about the EU to the general public; promoting dialogue between the scientific world and society, including politicians at the local and state levels, representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of various levels of education to share EU knowledge in creative industries; providing special EU specific courses for graduates that will be useful for their professional lives, generating knowledge and ideas to support EU policymaking and strengthening the EU’s role within Europe and in a globalized world; promoting the process of forming competitive professionals in creative industries who will be in demand in domestic and European labor markets.
The best European practices, that will be taught in the autumn school, can be adapted to Ukrainian realities, and will allow school graduates to make qualified decisions. The school will provide students with competencies important for their future employment and increase their competitiveness in the labour market; teachers will enrich their knowledge on EU issues; politicians and representatives of public organizations will receive useful tools to help solve problems in creative industries in Ukraine. The course will involve civil society, politicians, civil servants, educators, and the media at various levels in dialogue on EU issues.
During the second half of 2022, Lviv University is implementing such projects within the framework of the program „Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis“ of the German Academic Exchange Service funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany):
- Chemnitz – Lviv Learning Bridge
Partner: Chemnitz University of Technology.
The project provides for the establishment of digital courses for professional development of teachers, guest lectures by teachers from the Chemnitz University of Technology for students of the University of Lviv, online scholarships for students of the University of Lviv who had to leave their place of residence due to active hostilities and have the status of internally displaced persons, scholarships for staff of the University of Lviv, scholarships for master’s students to carry out research work within the framework of master’s projects, the purchase of computer technology and other measures.
The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Oksana Molderf, Head of the Project Support Unit at the International Office.
- Invisible University for Ukraine
Partners: Friedlich Schiller University Jena, Central European University, Ukrainian Catholic University.
The project offers Ukrainian bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate students, regardless of their location – whether in Ukraine or abroad – a choice of seven online courses (with ECTS credits) taught jointly by well-known Ukrainian and foreign academics. In addition, students are invited to participate in a scholarship competition for research projects in various subject areas.
The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Nazariy Stetsyk, associate professor at the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law.
- IUSTUF-Digital Interdisciplinary Mini Academy
Partners: University of Freiburg, Kyiv Mohyla Academy
The project offers Ukrainian students and teachers the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary digital courses and grants scholarships for small research projects. The Digital Interdisciplinary Mini Academy will include more than 13 hybrid courses that will give students the opportunity to broaden their interdisciplinary horizons, regardless of the subject they are studying. The authors of the project want to offer all participants a unique opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary education and research. Selected students from the Ukrainian partner universities will receive scholarships to attend the courses.
The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, associate professor at the Department of European Law.
- Digital Learning for Sustainable Development in Ukraine
Partners: HAW Hamburg (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), National Forestry University of Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
The project offers for the Ukrainian students of the Faculties of Geography and Biology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv the possibility to learn more about the 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 3 “Good health and well-being”, SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation”, SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy”, SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production”, SDG 13 “Climate change”, SDG 14 “Life under water: Conservation of marine resources”; to analyze the peculiarities and challenges in Ukraine on the way to achieving these goals, in connection with the military aggression of the russian federation; to obtain skills and abilities in receptive and productive types of speech activity, language knowledge (with an emphasis on the terminology of sustainable development), which are components of English professional communicative competence.
The project coordinator at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is Natalia Mykytenko, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences Faculties (Faculty of Foreign Languages).
Participation of the University in the LEARNOPOLIS project
LEARNOPOLIS is a joint project of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv and Bayrot University within the program of the German Academic Exchange Service “Let’s build Digital Future Together – German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Higher Education (2019–2021)”, financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science of Germany. The overall goal of the program is the digital transformation and internationalization of the higher education system in Ukraine and its more active integration into European structures. The Lernopolis project is aimed at more active implementation and effective use of digital technologies and tools in the educational process in Ivan Franko National University of L’viv and Bayreuth University, as well as experience exchange. In addition, the goal of the project is to deepen cooperation between the two Universities, which began with a Memorandum of Cooperation signed in 2017. A number of successfully implemented projects in various areas confirms this success.
Targets of the “Learnopolis” project:
– intensification of digital technologies usage in the educational process;
– exchange of knowledge and experience in creating, expanding and implementing service proposals;
– enhancing of German-Ukrainian cooperation between Ivan Franko National University of L’viv and Bayreuth University;
– further development of digital technologies which involves regional innovation potential of L’viv region and Upper Franconia.
Beginning of the project -October 1, 2019.
Project duration – 2 years.
Project leader: Nikolai Toifel, Center for Professors and Teachers Advanced Training of Bayreuth University.
Project team: Alla Paslavska, Head of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation, Oksana Molderf, Assistant of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation. – Oksana Molderf
Erasmus + KA2 – Development of higher education potential
Development of the Model and Common Information Space of Virtual Exchange Programs/MOVEx
- P3 Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- P5 Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine
- P12 Kryvyi Rih Foundation of the Future, Ukraine
- P13 Laboratory of Ideas, Ukraine
Aim: Organizing an effective Virtual Exchange Program (VEP) as a platform for professional and intercultural interaction, exchange of experience, to ensure high-quality educational services and create conditions for developing collaboration and communication skills of young people to navigate the world’s challenges and broaden access to international learning for every student, regardless of their circumstances, background, or ability, especially at a time when student mobility is limited by financial resources or national security issues.
- Creating an effective mechanism of supporting and Virtual Exchange Program, adapting to the new academic context and integration into the education system of the host university.
Virtual exchanges will increase the possibility of involving people in the processes of academic mobility, create the opportunity to study new disciplines, and also get involved in the cultural and educational environment of another state. Virtual exchange can help young people develop soft skills, communication and cooperation skills that are very relevant now.
- Formation of global competencies and skills (digital literacy, cultural awareness and the ability to negotiate and cooperate across borders) necessary for career growth among young people in Ukraine and Georgia.
The educational activity will be focused on sharing knowledge and forming skills of interaction in the multiethnic environment. There will be provided various methods of distant interaction, simplified procedures for creating and allotting teaching materials, checking and assessing knowledge, providing access to various resources required for a high-level educational process.
- Improving the qualifications of the administrative and teaching staff to gain skills in working with mobile students and helping them master the skills of intercultural communication and organizing effective interaction with students as representatives of different cultures.
One of the key targets of the project is improving administrative and teaching staff’s qualification by conducting seminars and trainings, consultations on the issues of intercultural and academic differences; getting the teaching staff working with mobile students ready to conduct individual and small-group classes; conducting a special course “Intercultural Competence” which targets administrative and teaching staff’s working with mobility students and helps them master intercultural communication skills; training of expert facilitators to develop virtual mobility projects and organize effective interaction with foreign students as representatives of various cultures.
- Development of a tool for exchange of information and intercultural dialogue among students and teachers at different universities, nationalities, cultures, religions and languages, improving the efficiency of the educational process by creating the web portal Common Information Space (CIS).
The CIS activity will cover two areas – the international educational web-platform and interaction with the target groups within their social and cultural environments. It can become a network resource for sharing knowledge and services, internationalizing the educational process, searching for new partners and creating a new multilingual, international and intercultural environment at the university.
- Creating an international consortium within the system of advanced administrative and teaching staff training to work with intercultural groups and to develop the educational, scientific and cultural potential of all program participants.
The international consortium creates an excellent opportunity for institutional partners to introduce and pilot a system for Development of a Virtual Exchange Project, methodological and technical support for its implementation, to adapt Virtual Exchange Programs to the specific needs of the target audience.
- Improving the areas and forms of cooperation and communication for all academic and administrative units of the universities, methodological and technical support for Virtual Exchanges implementation and other issues that have a significant impact on the involvement of students in Virtual Exchange processes.
The project will establish and integrate the Counselling Centres into the university structure, which will work in cooperation with other faculties, institutes, administrative, auxiliary educational units of the university, etc. Particular attention will be paid to interaction and communication in providing social and legal support to students both within and outside the university, not only in virtual exchange programmes but also in physical mobility programmes.
Erasmus + KA2
During this year’s Erasmus + KA2 competition, the University has joined 17 project proposals, which were sold by partner universities consortia. The University was the Project Coordinator in three projects.
The following faculties were the initiators of the projects: The Department of Information Support and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (10 projects), the Faculty of International Relations (1 project), Faculty of Economics (1 project), Department of International Relations (1 project), Faculty of Law (1 project), Faculty of Pedagogical Education (1 project), Faculty of Geography (1 project), Faculty of Journalism (1 project) .
Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines
The aim of the project is to support the reform and development of the quality assurance system of higher education in Ukraine. The project objectives include the development of tools necessary for the internal and external quality assurance ( QA) systems sustainable functioning; development of national universities and institutions potential, with the help of the implementation of QA tools trainings for the employees, development of organizational infrastructure of QA at different levels, piloting of internal and external QA models; stimulating wider involvement of students in the processes of self-analysis in universities; introduction of the self-analysis mechanism as an integral component of the universities functioning.
Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education [ITE-VET]
The aim of the project is to improve the economic situation in Ukraine by upgrading he organization and improving the quality of the vocational education system.
Project objectives: Further identification of the vocational education system structural problems in Ukraine, in particular the vocational education system teachers training, by studying and comparing the features of curriculum development project with the EU countries – participants; Innovative courses and didactic materials preparation and implementation in Ukrainian partner universities. These courses and materials were developed on the basis of and in accordance with the latest theories of education; Introduction of new forms of cooperation between the university and schools / colleges and institutions which represent the employers, as well as establishment of the new ways / directions for future teachers to gain early professional experience outside university classrooms in order to better accommodate the needs of economics and improve students’ preparation for future employment as teachers of vocational education.
According to the results of the 2017 competition, the University (Faculty of International Relations) won and started the implementation of one Erasmus + KA2 project (2017–2020): Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection.
During this year’s Erasmus + KA2 competition, the University has joined 17 project proposals sold by consortia of partner universities. In three projects, the University was the Project Coordinator. The initiators of the projects were the Department of Information Support and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (10 projects), the Faculty of International Relations (1 project), the Faculty of Economics (1 project), the Department of International Relations (1 project), the Faculty of Law (1 project), the Faculty pedagogical education (1 project), Faculty of Geography (1 project), Faculty of Journalism (1 project).
Jean Monnet Erasmus +
Jean Monnet
The Economy in European Integration: Internal Challenges and External Dimensions
The university is implementing this Jean Monnet project at the Faculty of Business and Finance Management. During the 2018 competition for Jean Monnet projects, the Faculty of International Relations submitted two project proposals for the creation of a network and Jean Monnet Department at the University.
Jean Monnet’s projects aim to intensify the European integration discourse, to promote the excellence of European integration studies, to involve higher education institutions in the study of European integration processes and the dissemination of the United Europe ideas. During the reporting period, the Faculty of International Relations successfully completed the following two Jean Monnet’s projects:
Summer Courses in the European Law and Policies – the aim of the project 553310-EPP-1-2014-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “ Summer Courses in the European Law and Policies” is the creation of permanent summer courses dedicated to the legal and political system of the European Union and they would take place at Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (Ukraine). The universities and higher education institutions from the Member States of the European Union and organization would participate. The educational process would be organized in accordance with EU standards in the field of teaching and content of courses.
In addition to organizing and conducting summer courses, the project provides accompanying activities such as: panel discussions and methodological seminars, curriculum development and relevant support on the Internet.
The EU’s Subnational Dimension
- is an interdisciplinary educational module within the Jean Monnet Erasmus + project (553355-EPP-1-2014-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE), prepared for master’s students seeking to deepen their knowledge about the European Union. This course is required for the Master’s degree in European Integration. This is the first educational module of the Jean Monnet project in L’viv region and is designed to promote the professionalization of European studies in higher education, stimulate their spread in other regions and support the development of the university program in European Studies. “The EU Subnational Dimension” educational module is interdisciplinary, incorporating various aspects of political science, public administration, economics and law. It diversifies the didactic content of European Studies and helps to overcome the traditionally predominant emphasis on supranational and national levels of government in the EU. This training course is designed to provide a more thorough, comprehensive, objective features of the development and functioning of the subnational level of EU governance. The Jean Monnet’s “EU Subnational Dimension Education” module will help students better prepare for their professional careers by developing a range of practical skills and competences, as well as by taking into account the regional factor in their interaction with the EU. In particular, it will be focused on involving Ukrainian regions into cooperation with the European Union. “The EU Subnational Dimension” educational module combines traditional lectures with interactive teaching methods. In addition, students will be given the opportunity to participate in workshops where they can gain practical skills in project management. It is envisaged to involve civil servants and the civil sector representatives who may become their future employers
Participation in the TEMPUS program
In November 2017, two projects of the TEMPUS Program were completed:
Сoordinator – University of Westminster, Great Britain.
Coordinator – University of Potsdam, Germany
Participation in the program “Mevlana”
The university participates in the Mevlana academic mobility program, which envisages the exchange of students and teachers with higher education institutions in Turkey. Over the past three years, the protocols with seven Turkish universities have been signed. In general, since the beginning of the projects, 1 teacher has participated in the academic mobility program. During the reporting period, the protocols with Mehmetbey University in Karaman and Mugla University were signed, and the framework of cooperation with Istanbul University of Culture was discussed. In addition, during the reporting period a competition of teachers’ applications took place. Its aim was to participate in the Mevlana program at Selcuk University. Three teachers were nominated to participate in the academic mobility program. The results of the competition are expected in June 2019
Participation in the MOBIS project
The university is a partner of the MOBIS (MOBilita ’Incoming per Studio) project, which is funded by the Puglia region with the support of the European Social Fund. The project aims to promote intercultural, scientific and educational exchange, admission and studying during the semester at the University of Foggia students and postgraduate students from 18 universities in China, Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, Armenia, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, as well as to create and improve a network of permanent contacts between universities and between students. During the reporting period two students of our University attended the MOBIS project.