Volodymyr Melnyk
Тел.: (+38 032) 239-41-22
E-mail: volodymyr.melnyk@lnu.edu.ua
Development strategy
Development strategy
Experience in teaching disciplines
- Ректор ЛНУ імені І. Франка, професор Володимир Мельник обговорив зі студентами проблемні питання заліково-екзаменаційної сесії, особливості навчального процесу та умови стипендіального забезпечення.
- Ректор ЛНУ Володимир Мельник про Героя Небесної Сотні Ігоря Костенка
- Мельник Володимир, ректор ЛНУ Франка
- Університет очолив Володимир Мельник
- Інтерв’ю з ректором ЛНУ імені Івана Франка
Lviv Polytechnic Institute, specialization “Electronic Devices”, 1974
Professional activity
Philosopher, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (Methodological aspects of technical knowledge development in the context of increasing science integration, 1983), Associate Professor (1985), Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy of Engineering: the unity of epistemological and subject-transforming, 1995), Professor (1996).
In 1974-1976 – army service;
In 1976-1986 – senior laboratory assistant, head of the philosophy department, graduate student of the philosophy department, assistant, associate professor of the philosophy department at University of Lviv;
1986-1990 – Deputy Head of the Department of Science and Educational Institutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine;
1990-1992 – assistant professor of philosophy department, University of Lviv;
1992-1996 – doctoral student of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Kyiv
1996-2002 – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in University of Lviv, part-time professor (since 1996) of the Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Economics of Lviv Medical University;
2002 – Head of the Department of Theory and History of Culture ;
2002-2003 – Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration for Political, Legal and Humanitarian Affairs;
2003 – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
2011 – Honored Professor of the University; member of The Shevchenko Scientific Society in Ukraine;
2014 – Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Research interests
Philosophical problems of science, culture, technology. Author of more than 180 scientific and educational publications
Manuals, textbooks, dictionaries, lecture materials:
Philosophical analysis of the activity problem. Lviv, 1984. – 24 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Methodological and ideological aspects of the molecular physics development. Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1986. – 73 p. (in co-authorship with Dubchak Ya.N, Kavych I.I., Sinyushko V.G.)
3. Technical sciences, production, social practice. Kyiv: Znannia, 1987. – 48 p. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.
Philosophy: plans of seminars on philosophy for graduate students of non-philosophical specialties. Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1994.- 17 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F., Semenyuk E.P.)
Social philosophy and philosophy of history: the program of the candidate exam. Lviv: Lviv Unversity Publishing House, 1996. – 25 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F, Lysyi V.P.)
Philosophy: course program and seminar plans for part-time students. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 1996. – 21 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F., Makarets O.F.)
Philosophical aspects of the culture and technology interaction. Dialogue of cultures. Ukraine in the global context. – 2nd Edition. – Lviv, 1996. – P. 90- 94.
Ontology, epistemology, phenomenology: program and plans of seminars for students of the Faculty of Philosophy. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. University, 1997. – 24 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Philosophy (ontology, epistemology, phenomenology): the entrance exam program for postgraduate program. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 1997. – 19 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Philosophy (ontology, epistemology, phenomenology): candidate exam program. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 1997. – 20 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Philosophy (ontology, epistemology, phenomenology): curriculum for students of the Faculty of Philosophy. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 1997. – 18 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Philosophy program for students of humanities at the university. Lviv Publishing House, University, 1998.-35 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F., Makarets O.F.)
Plans of seminars on philosophy for graduate students of non-philosophical specialties. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 1999. – 26 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F., Lysyi V.P.)
Dialectics and theory of cognition: a curriculum for students of the Faculty of Philosophy. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 2001. – 19 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Dialectics: seminar plans for students of the Faculty of Philosophy. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 2001. – 12 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.)
Plans of seminars on philosophy for students of non-philosophical specialties. Lviv Publishing House, University, 2001.-24 p. (in co-authorship with Karas’ A.F., Kashuba M.V., Alchuk M.P.)
Ukrainian culture of the late XVIII – early XX centuries. National cultural revival. Lectures on the history of world and national culture. 2nd edition. Lviv: Svit Publishing House. – 2005. -S. 473-516. (in co-authorship with Yartys’ A.V.)
Lectures on the history of world and national culture. 2nd edition. Lviv: Svit Publishing House. – 2005. -S. 473-516. (in co-authorship with Yartys’ A.V.)
Philosophy of modern science and technology. Lviv: Svit Publishing House -2006.- 187 p. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Culturology: educational and methodical complex. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House, University, 2009. – 497 p. (in co-authorship with Sinkevich O.B., Madey N.M.)
History of Ukrainian culture: curriculum for university students. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2010.-29 p. (in co-authorship with Yartys’ A.V.)
History of Ukrainian culture. Tutorial. Editited by. V. Melnyk, M. Kashuba, A. Yartys’. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012. – 482 p. (in co-authorship with Kashuba M.V., Yartys’ A.V.)
Modern philosophy and methodology of science and technology: a curriculum for masters of the university. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2012. – 18 p.
Philosophy and methodology of science: curriculum for university students. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2012.-22 p.
Philosophy of modern science and technology. Textbook / E. Semenyuk, V. Melnyk. 2nd edition, – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2012.-306 p. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Culturology: encyclopedic dictionary. – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 2013.
Philosophy. The textbook for university students. – Kharkiv: Folio, 2013.- 510 p. (in co-authorship with Gubersky L.V., Ilyin V.V., Sulim E.M., Tchaikovsky O.V.)
Philosophy of modern science and technology. Textbook / E. Semenyuk, V. Melnyk. 2nd edition, – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – 364 p. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Under the guidance of prof. Melnik V.P. 4 doctoral and 11 candidate dissertations were defended.
Problems of the general scientific knowledge development. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk University, 1983.
Technical sciences and integrative processes. Chisinau: Stiinza, 1987. – 255 p. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P., Ursul A.D.)
Philosophical problems of technical science (epistemological and subject-transforming aspects). Lviv, Svit, 1994. – 211 p.
Development of science and values of human existence. Spirituality. Culture. Nation. Collection of scientific articles (edited by V.P. Melnyk). Issue. 1. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2005. – Issue Ed. 1.-S. 20-30.
Ideas of positivism in Ivan Franko’s works. Spirituality. Culture. Nation. Issue 36. (Edited by V.P. Melnik). Issue 3. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2008. -S. 38-45.
Philosophy. Knowledge. Science. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2008. -287 p. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P., Karamisheva N.V.)
Philosophy. Science. Technique: methodological and ideological analysis. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2010.-592 p.
Scientific-rationalist dimensions of civilizational progress. Spirituality. Culture. Nation. Collection of articles (edited by V.P. Melnik). Issue 4. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2009. -S. 28-38.
The phenomenon of technology as a socio-cultural value of European civilization. Spirituality. Culture. Nation. 36. Collection of articles. (Edited by V.P. Melnik). Issue. 5. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2011. – P.6-24.
Philosophy. Science of the western region of Ukraine (1990-2010): monograph. – Lviv: PAIS Publishing House, 2011. – P.458-467
Man in the modern world. In three books (edited by V.P. Melnyk). Book 1. Philosophical and cultural dimensions. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012. – 582 p. (in co-authorship with Vaskiv A.Yu., Gapon N.P., Darmoriz O.V., Zakhara I.S., Mukha O.Ya.)
Man in the modern world. In three books (edited by V.P. Melnyk). Book 2. sychological and anthropological context. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012. – 602 p. (in co-authorship with Vovk A.O., Galetskaya I.I., Grabovskaya S.L., Katolyk G.V., Levitskaya M.)
Man in the modern world. In three books (edited by VP Melnyk). Book 3. Philosophical and cultural dimensions. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012. – 767 p. (in co-authorship with Bebyk V.M., Varzar I.M., Gorbatenko V.P., Denisenko V.M., Levenets Yu.A.)
Tolerance as a socio-cultural phenomenon: worldview and methodological aspect. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012 – 329 p. (in co-authorship with Gapon N.P., Dovgopolova O.I., Krysachenko V.I., Mukha O.Ya.)
Science and values of human existence: a collective monograph. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2013. – 452 p. (in co-authorship with Alchuk M.P., Boychenko M.I., Vyshinsky S.)
Anthology of modern philosophy of science or smile ASIMO. Edited by. V.P. Melnyk, А.С. Synytsa. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2017. – 568 p. (in co-authorship with Synytsa A., Lushch U., Grabovsky I.)
Formation of a new socio-cultural reality. Lviv, Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2017.
“Visnyk” journal articles:
Methodological problems of improving the scientific research efficiency and technical science. “Visnyk” (Lviv University Journal). Social sciences series. – issue 26. – Lviv, 1986.-p. 21-30.
Philosophy of technology and problems of humanization. Humanism and the establishment of civil society in Ukraine. “Visnyk” (Lviv University Journal). Social sciences series. – issue 32. -Lviv, 1995.-p. 9- 16. (in co-authorship with Lysyi V.P.).
Visnyk, Lviv State Agrarian University: Humanities. Issue. № 2. – Lviv, 1996.-p. 11-18.4. Spiritual and practical activity as a synthesis of cognitive and transformative. . “Visnyk” (Lviv University Journal). ed. № 33, Lviv, 1996.-p. 7-15.
Philosophical aspects of the knowledge objectification. “Visnyk” Lviv, Univ. Philosophical and political thought in Ukraine: tendencies and prospects of development. Issue. №34. Publishing House “Svit”. Lviv, 1996.
Institutionalization of technical science and the problem of knowledge objectification. “Visnyk”, Lviv, State Agrarian University: Humanities. Issue. № 2. – Lviv, 1996.-p. 11-18.
Philosophical aspects of the knowledge objectification. Visnyk, (Lviv University Journal). . Social sciences series issue №34, 1997. – P.34-41.
Methodological problems of the relationship between theoretical and practical relations. Visnyk, Lviv, Univ. A series of philosophy science. Issue. № 2. Lviv, 1998. – P. 79-85.
Structural-semantic typology of Ukrainian philosophical terminology. Problems of Ukrainian terminology. “Visnyk” (journal) of “Lviv Polytechnic”. – Lviv, 1998. – P.228-231. (In co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Philosophy of technical science. Humanities: “Visnyk” (journal) of State Pedagogical Univesity in Drogobych. – Drogobych, 1998. – P.12-18.
Philosophy of technology in the structure of philosophical knowledge. “Visnyk” (Lviv University Journal). Philosophical science series. Issue. № 1. – Lviv, 1999.-p. 74-82.
The concept of sustainable development: features of terminology formation. Problems of Ukrainian terminology. “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv Polytechnic University. № 402. Lviv, 2000. – P. 321-326. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Philosophy of technology and the problem of the technological process humanization. . “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv Commerce Academy. Humanities series. Issue. № 3. Lviv, 2000. p. 163- 168.
Technical studies as a unity of epistemological and subject-transformative. . “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv National Univesity, Philosophical science series. Issue. № 3. – Lviv, 2001.
Political regionalism: subject field and theoretical and methodological principles. Visnyk of Lviv, Univ. Philosophical science series Issue. №4. Lviv, 2002.-S. 125-131.
Philosophy of technical science in the discourse of theoretical and practical human relations to the world.”Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv Commerce Academy. Humanities series. Issue № 4. – Lviv, 2002, – P.213-220.
Scientific and technical rationality in the socio-cultural context. “Visnyk” (journal), Lviv National University. Philosophical science series – 2004. №6. – P. 42- 49.
Socio-humanitarian dimensions of the technical object. “Visnyk” of Lviv University. Philosophical sciences series. – 2005.-№8- P.41-48.
Problems of science nascence: philosophical and methodological analysis. “Visnyk” of Lviv Univ. Philosophical Sciences Series, 2006- Issue 9.-p. 5-12. (in co-authorship with Kondziolka V.V.)
Ideas of rationalism in Ivan Franko’s works. “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv Commercial Academy. – 2007. – Series: Humanities .Issue. 6 – P.93-98.
Ivan Franko’s Rationalism. “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv Univ. Philosophical Sciences Series. – Lviv, 2007. – Issue 10.-p. 9-18.
Technology as a socio-cultural phenomenon of European civilization. “Visnyk” 9 journal) of Lviv University. Philosophical Sciences Series, 2010. – Issue. 13. – P.7-9.
Modern science and problems of rationality. “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv University. Series of philosophical and political studies, 2011.- Issue 1.-P.9-22.
Human dimension of science and its civilizational challenges. “Visnyk” of Lviv University. Series of philosophical and political studies, 2012. – Issue. 2.-P.7-17.
Identification through consumption in the context of modern socio-cultural reality. “Visnyk” of Lviv University. Philosophical sciences series. – Issue. 24. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2016. – P. 3-12 (in co-authorship with Sinkevych O.).
Philosophical works [Text]: in 3 volumes / Stefan Yavorsky Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, [201-?]. – (Ukrainian Monuments of philosophical culture). – ISBN 5-12-001691-Х.
Vol. 2: Natural philosophical works / editors: V.P. Melnyk, M.V. Kashuba, I.S. Zakhara; [introduction, comment by M.V. Kashuba; transl. from Latin., comments by I.S. Zakhara]. – 2018. – 766 p. – 150 copies. – ISBN 978-617-10-0480-1
Volodymyr Melnyk “Through Victory: From Sich Riflemen and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) to the State Independence of Ukraine”, “Visnyk” of Lviv National University. The series: History. 2017, Issue № 53,. p. 9-13.
Other selected articles:
Technical sciences and general scientific means of knowledge. Philosophical Sciences. 1987. No. 4. – p. 19-30. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.).
Machine. Economic encyclopedia. Vol. 1. Kyiv, 2001.-p. 212- 213.
Science. Economic encyclopedia. Vol.2. – Kyiv, 2001.-p. 271- 278. (in co-authorship with Semenyuk E.P.)
Scientific and technical realities in the humanistic dimension. Socio-humanitarian problems of man. – 2005 -№1.-p. 8-17.
European civilization in the dimensions of scientific and technological rationality. Man and his identity in the age of globalization. Proceedings of the international interdisciplinary conference. – Lviv, 2010. – P. 24-28.
Metaphysical images and philosophical reflection of technology in modern culture. Socio-humanitarian problems of man. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center, 2012. – №5 – P. 50-67.
Modern science: in search of fundamentals and practical meanings. Philosophy of financial civilization: man in the world of money. 36. Scientific practice – K .: University of Banking, NBU, 2013. – p. 29-62.
The ideal of socio-humanitarian knowledge in the scientific criteria discussion. Philosophy of financial civilization: man in the world of money. Collection of Scholarly works. – Lviv, 2017. – P. 30-36.
Science and technology in modern civilizational discourse. «Quo vadis humanitarian? Commemorative book on the 65th anniversary of professor Jacek Pawlik ». International collective monograph. – Olsztyn-Lviv, 2017 (submitted for printing).
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy;
Head of the Theory and History of Culture Department of the Faculty of Philosophy;
Director of the Institute of Person’s Socio-Humanistic Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Western Research Center. Head of the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Western Research Center; ·
Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Philosophy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council for Philosophical Sciences D 035.21.02 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations;
Member of the Expert Commission on Social Sciences and Humanities of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine;
Editor-in-Chief of the “Visnyk” (journal) of Lviv National University. Philosophical Sciences Series. Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Socio-humanitarian problems of person” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Western Research Center;·
Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since March 7, 2018).
Honorary titles and awards
Honored Master of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2003);·
Honored Professor of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2011);
Awarded the Third Class Order of Merit. (October 10, 2011) – for a significant personal contribution to the national education development, highly qualified specialists training, many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities and on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
Awarded the Hryhoriy Skovoroda Gold Medal of the National Pedagogical Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2011), the honorary award “For Professional Achievements” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2011);
Awarded the Fifth Class Order of Knyaz Yaroslav the Wise. (December 1, 2017) – for significant personal contribution to state building, socio-economic, scientific and technical, cultural and educational development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements, many years of hard work.