Higher collegiate body of the public government of the University is the Conference of the University’s staff (Conference), which is elected once a year, including the elected representatives from a number of students, graduate students, doctoral students.
At the Conference all the categories of participants of educational process at the University must be presented. In this case, at least 75 percent of the delegates of the Conference should form scientific, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers, who work at the University on a regular basis, and not less than 15 percent – elected representatives of the students, united by the student’s government, elected by direct and secret ballot.
Quantitative membership of the Conference – 350 delegates.
The functions of the Conference of the University’s staff:
- to coordinate the University Statute, its amendments and supplements by the submission of the Academic council of the University;
- to listen to the annual Rector’s Report and estimate his activity;
- to elect the commission on labor disputes in accordance with the legislation about labour;
- to consider the issue of pre-term stopping of the authority of the Rector of the University on the grounds provided by the law or contract, by the substantiated submission of the Supervisory Board or the Academic Council of the University;
- to assert the Internal Regulations of the University and the Collective agreement;
- to listen to the report on the implementation of the Collective Agreement.