International educational and exploring trip to the Central and Eastern Europe made by students of the Faculty of International Relations

In the framework of the international educational trip to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which lasted from June 29 to July 11, students of the faculty of international relations visited diplomatic establishments and international organizations of Poland, Slovakia...

The foreign educational practice of students-geographers in Poland

The first-course University students of the Faculty of Tourism started the traditional practice in Malopolska Province in Poland – Ojców National Park and the city of Krakow. Created on the 14th of January in 1956 the Ojców National Park is the...

Lviv University – among the leaders of the Consolidated Rating of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine

The informational and educational resource “Освіта.ua” presented a consolidated rating of institutions of higher education in Ukraine in 2018. In order to form the rating, the authors used, in their opinion, the most authoritative among the experts and the media the...

A Triumphant Victory of Lviv University Students at the International Olympiad on Programming “KPI-OPEN 2018”

Immediately the two teams of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv performed brilliantly at the 13th Opened International Student Olympiad in Programming named after S.O. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov “KPI-OPEN 2018”. Among the best Ukrainian and foreign student programming...

Symposium with international participation “Steady approaches to increase the yield and nutritional value of wheat” was held at Lviv University

On June 27, 2018, the Symposium on International Participation “Sustainable Approaches to Improve Wheat Yield and Nutritional Value” was held in the main reading room of the Scientific Library of Lviv University. The event was held with the support of...