A German Entrepreneur Horst Rogusch told the University students about his own innovative conception of regulating managerial powers transfer

The factors of an enterprise success and realization of succession model in business are the main issues emphasized by the majoritarian joint owner and the Head of the Council of International Enterprise Group Storch-Ciret Group as well as the founder...

Mathematicians from 10 countries take part in the International scientific conference devoted to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Kazimierz Kuratowski

More than 70 scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Kirghizia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Great Britain, Israel, Canada, Germany and Russia take part in the International scientific conference devoted to the 120th anniversary of famous Polish mathematician and logician Kazimierz Kuratowski. During the...

Czech professor Martin Putna about the history of Ukraine through the eyes of Europe

“The fact that a Czech will tell the Ukrainians about the history of their state may resemble taking coal to Newcastle. However, I want to suggest a new comparative view of this issue”, started an open lecture for the students...

Renowned researchers from Ukraine and 20 other countries participate in the 13th International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds

Traditionally, over the last 45 years crystal chemists have gathered at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in late September in order to participate in the International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds organized by the researchers of...

V School for Young Scientists “Crystal Structures: Experiment and Calculations”

With the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv together with the Western Science Center under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Ukrainian Crystallographic Committee and International Center for Diffraction Data, held...