Scientists of the University took part in the International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the participation of Turkish troops in the fighting of World War I in Galicia

On May 19, 2016, the International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the participation of Turkish troops in the fighting of World War I in Galicia took place. Lviv University was its co-organizer. The Conference was attended...

The Professor of University of Miskolc, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Gyorgy Kaptay delivered lectures on the Materials Science to students of the University

The delegation of the University of Miskolc (Hungary), which included the Director of Nano-Composites of the Research Institute of Nanotechnology BAY-NANO University of Miskolc, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Gyorgy Kaptay and the coordinator of international...

Lviv University aims at initiating cooperation with one of the largest nonstate educational IT-institutions of central Poland

Representatives of the University of Computer Sciences and Skills (Lodz, Poland) paid an official visit to Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on 23 May 2016. During the meeting of Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and Informatization Vitaliy Kukharskyi with Director General...

Centre of Turkish language and literature was opened at University

On 20 May 2016, with the participation of Rector, Prof. Volodymyr Melnyk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Ukraine Yönet Can Tezel and the Program Coordinator of TIKA in Ukraine Haci Bayram Bolat held the opening ceremony of the...

Seven law students of Lviv University awarded international certificates for attending German Law Course

With the assistance of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation, the School of German Law has been operating at the Law Faculty of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for six years. This year, approximately 100 students took...