Ivan Franko Lviv National University cooperates with scientific and educational institutions of Belarus

The director of the National Library of Belarus, Professor Roman Motulskyi and Mykolai Yatsevich – the Dean of the Faculty of Information and Documentary Communications of Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts visited Lviv University as part of their...

Rector Volodymyr Melnyk meet Ivan Počuch Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Ukraine

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Ukraine Ivan Počuch visited Lviv University, where he met Rector, Professor Volodymyr Melnyk, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international cooperation Mariya  Zubrytska, deputy dean of the Faculty of International...

Lawyers from Ukraine and the United States discuss prevention and combating of corruption

On February 18, 2016 within USAID project “Fair Justice” at the Faculty of Law of Lviv University was held a workshop “International online course on preventing and combating corruption”, there were representatives of the Faculty of Law of Chernivtsi National...

Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmytro Solohub told the students of Lviv University about the basic principles of the new monetary policy of the Central Bank

Within the complex project to enhance the financial literacy of the population of Ukraine started in 2012 by the National Bank of Ukraine, the second meeting of the representatives of the academic community with the Deputy Governor of the National...

The Rector of the University Volodymyr Melnyk and the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmytro Solohub outlined the vector of further institutional cooperation

The establishment of the system cooperation between higher educational institutions, the National Bank and business representatives will promote high quality training of the graduates in higher school who will be able to develop Ukrainian business efficiently and transparently after getting...