Lviv University started cooperation with the University of Debrecen (Hungary)

On the basis of the framework agreement approved by the Debrecen University Senate and the Academic Council of Lviv University initiated the academic cooperation of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with Hungarian university.  In order to expand mutually beneficial cooperation...

One of the most outstanding sociological forums of Ukraine was launched at Lviv University

On October 13, 2016, X anniversary sociological forum Variability in Social Spaces through Sociological Optics: Manifestations, Contexts and Possibilities was held at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. During the opening of the forum, Natalia Chernysh, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Honored...

Ukrainian and Polish experts analysed current security environment in Central and Eastern Europe

On 12-13 October 2016, an International Scientific Conference “New Challenges to International Security in Central and Eastern Europe” took place at the Faculty of International Relations in Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. During the conference, leading Ukrainian and Polish experts...

Scientists discuss the achievements and prospects of microbiology

Scientists from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Great Britain, Poland and Belarus take part in the International scientific conference “Achievements and prospects of the development of microbiology”, which began on October 12, 2016 in Lviv national University named after Ivan Franko and...

Known Slavic, popularizer of Ukrainian studies in Europe and the world, Professor of University of Vienna Alois Woldan become Doctor Honoris Causa of Lviv University.

On the initiative of professors of the Faculty of Foreign Languages supported by the Faculty of Philology in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the University an outstanding Slavic, recognized expert in the field of comparative literature...