The University of Lviv implements three projects in the programme “Ukraine digital” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has announced the projects, funded under the programme “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis”. The programme aims to support Ukrainian higher education institutions in developing digital offerings that should help Ukrainian students to continue and complete their studies successfully despite the challenges of war, and university staff to ensure the sustainability of the educational process and thus contribute to the full implementation of all its objectives.

Thus, the following projects with a total budget of 80,000 to 180,000 euros each will be carried out at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in the period from September to December 2022:

  • Chemnitz – Lviv Learning Bridge

Partner: Chemnitz University of Technology.

The project provides for the establishment of digital courses for professional development of teachers, guest lectures by teachers from the Chemnitz University of Technology for students of the University of Lviv, online scholarships for students of the University of Lviv who had to leave their place of residence due to active hostilities and have the status of internally displaced persons, scholarships for staff of the University of Lviv, scholarships for master’s students to carry out research work within the framework of master’s projects, the purchase of computer technology and other measures.

The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Oksana Molderf, Head of the Project Support Unit at the International Office.

  • Invisible University for Ukraine

Partners: Friedlich Schiller University Jena, Central European University, Ukrainian Catholic University.

The project offers Ukrainian bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate students, regardless of their location – whether in Ukraine or abroad – a choice of seven online courses (with ECTS credits) taught jointly by well-known Ukrainian and foreign academics. In addition, students are invited to participate in a scholarship competition for research projects in various subject areas.

The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Nazariy Stetsyk, associate professor at the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law.

  • IUSTUF-Digital Interdisciplinary Mini Academy

Partners: University of Freiburg, Kyiv Mohyla Academy

The project offers Ukrainian students and teachers the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary digital courses and grants scholarships for small research projects. The Digital Interdisciplinary Mini Academy will include more than 13 hybrid courses that will give students the opportunity to broaden their interdisciplinary horizons, regardless of the subject they are studying. The authors of the project want to offer all participants a unique opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary education and research. Selected students from the Ukrainian partner universities will receive scholarships to attend the courses.

The project coordinator at the University of Lviv is Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, associate professor at the Department of European Law.

According to Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and International Cooperation Serhiy Riznyk, the “Ukraine digital” programme of the German Academic Exchange Service is “a vivid demonstration of the solidarity of the German academic community with Ukrainian colleagues: teachers, researchers and students”. The Vice-Rector is convinced that the implementation of the above-mentioned projects will help to strengthen the German-Ukrainian dialogue on science and education and ensure the sustainable development of science and education at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv despite all the challenges and difficulties caused by the war.