On June 9, 2017 the solemn closing of the educational and professional program “A powerful start in big business” took place in the Mirror Hall of the University. The program implemented by the faculty of economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and “Alliance Market” Ltd was aimed at the practical training of specialists and development of student business projects to consolidate theoretical knowledge. 20 students of the faculty of economics of Lviv university, who had passed multilevel selection, became its participants.
Within the program implementation a number of lectures and trainings were conducted by the specialists of “Alliance Market” Ltd for the students of the faculty of economics. The contest of student business projects took place following the results of the program. The works of the participants were estimated by the jury members consisting of the representatives of the departments of marketing and economic theory of the faculty of economics and “Alliance Market” company.
Appealing to the participants of the educational and professional program the Rector of Lviv university, professor Volodymyr Melnyk emphasized that the higher educational establishment was potent only when its work was aimed at creating all conditions for development and self-fulfillment of students.
“This program promotes the practical training of young specialists and those projects suggested by the students to the jury demonstrate that the university youth is ready to compete on the labor market and able to make efforts to be really highly skilled employees of leading companies”, – Volodymyr Melnyk expressed his conviction.
Greeting the participants, the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi noted that the cooperation of the business and University was extremely important for the city and he invited the youth to get interested in the vacant positions at Lviv City Council. According to Andriy Ivanovych, Lviv needed young, creative, educated and skilled employees.
Afterwards the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi, the Rector of the University, professor Volodymyr Melnyk and the Deputy General Director of the company “Alliance Market” Ihor Novostavskyi awarded the winners of the business projects contest – Yuriy Ihnatovych (1st place), Vitaliy Koniaha (2), Roman Mozil (3), Nataliia Pushek (4) and Mark Dalman (5).
The Deputy General Director of “Alliance Market” company Ihor Novostavskyi greeted the winners and told about the idea of the project. In particular, according to his words, the main aim of the educational and professional program was the attempt to bring the level of students’ professional training to market needs and demonstrate that it was not necessary to leave the boundaries of Ukraine for the successful career and prosperous life.
“You are in demand in Ukraine. It is the place where you can realize your potential and achieve a success. It depends only on you how much you will earn and in what way your career will develop”, – Ihor Novostavskyi emphasized appealing to the students.
The dean of the faculty of economics Rostyslav Mykhailyshyn noted that even a highly skilled economist would not be competitive on the labor market without fundamental practical training. Hence, the efforts of the lecturers of the faculty of economics were aimed at increasing the practical component of students training and implementing the idea of dual education according to which the theoretical training was inalienable from gaining practical experience.
“Competitiveness is determined by the knowledge the student gains but later it must be tested and confirmed in practice”, – the Dean noted adding that the important result of the program “A powerful start in big business” was the approximation of theoretical knowledge of students to the possibility of their practical application.
Besides, Rostyslav Mykhailyshyn added that the process of implementing the educational and professional program proved the ability of the students to learn and gain practical skills simultaneously.
The Chairperson of the department of marketing Yevhen Mayovets and the representative of the Lviv City Council Viktoriia Dovzhyk appealed to the participants of the event.
The winner of the business-projects contest, a fourth-year student Yuriy Ihnatovych thanked the organizers on behalf of the program participants. According to his words, the modern youth seeks the fulfillment and opportunity to represent their projects; it is invaluable experience that goes in favor of both business and young specialists.
We should note that the prize fund and employment opportunity in the company have been provided for the winners. The organizers also note that the high level of the presented business ideas gives the possibility to implement the contest winners’ projects and recommend them for practical realization.
We remind that “Alliance Market” is a powerful Ukrainian retail company working in the food retail market in seven regions of Ukraine with a network of about 60 shops. It is part of the group of companies “Evrotek” which except for wholesale and retail trade is represented by real estate assets in the Ukrainian market. Every day over 150 thousand Ukrainian consumers are the purchasers of goods in four trading networks of this group of companies (“Arsen”, “Fresh”, Soyuz”, “Kvartal”).