
Dzhuhan Ruslana Ivanivna


Social aspects of the realization of the needs of the elderly people in modern Ukrainian society (on the example of the Transcarpathian region)

Defence Date



In the given dissertation the conceptual model of realization of needs of elderly
people as a factor defining social wellbeing of this category of population is analyzed.
A comparative analysis of the main approaches to the study of old age in various socio-
humanitarian sciences and sociology in particular is conducted. Theoretical
sociological interpretations of the concept of social needs, the typologies of latter and
their classifications are systematized and the concept of “needs of elderly people” is
formulated. The scientific traditions of interpretation of the concept of “successful
aging” in the socio-humanitarian sciences with special attention to the socio-
demographic and socio-cultural aspects of this phenomenon is further developed. The
most common social practices of elderly people activation by the social service system
are described. The ways of realizing the needs of the elderly through formal and
informal support networks are outlined, taking into account the influence of these
networks on the changes of the “paradigm” of society’s perception of old age and
overcoming ageism. A system of empirical indicators of socio-demographic and socio-
cultural aspects of successful aging from the perspective of the needs of the elderly has
been developed and tested. The results of the research of the opinion of elderly people
and members of their families on elderly people needs and opportunities to satisfy them
in the Transcarpathian region are revealed.
The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, its compliance
with general state and trends of modern Ukrainian society, outlines the degree of
scientific development, formulates the purpose, objectives, object and subject of
research, defines methodological principles, scientific novelty and theoretical and
practical significance of the results, presents data on approbation of work and
publications of author. The first section “Theoretical and methodological approaches
to the study of ageing” is dedicated to relevant scientific literature review and disclose
discourse which describes the phenomenon of old age and ageing as a
multidimensional phenomenon of biological, medical, socio-psychological and socio-
cultural nature. The second section “The needs and social well-being of elderly people”
characterizes the current state of the category of elderly people in Ukrainian society.
The third section, “Applied aspects of research of realization of needs of elderly people
(on the example of the Transcarpathian region)” provides the analysis of general
influence of globalization and local processes on intergenerational relations that is
influenced by the secularization of authentic cultural forms and crysis of cultural
tradition of caring for the elderly in the family.
The conclusions of the dissertation contain the main results obtained on the basis
of the implementation of the objectives of the study. The achievement of the
dissertation in solving the problem and the prospects for further development of the
dissertation is determined. The conclusions and results obtained during the study
provided an opportunity to verify the underlying hypotheses, and their comprehensive
generalization, provides options for a number of proposals that have not only
theoretical but also practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results
provides deepening and systematization of theoretical understanding of social needs
and elderly people needs in particular. The theoretical provisions proposed in the paper
can be used for further theoretical and empirical research on topics related to the ageing
process. The results can be applied in the management of state authorities, local
governments, which take care of the regulation of social relations in society, the development and implementation of social policy. Conclusions and other research
materials can be used in the development of gerontological centers, universities of the
third age, etc. The results can be used to develop training courses on “Sociology of
personality”, “Sociology of age”, “Sociology of social work”, “Social gerontology”.
Key words: ageing, old age, needs of the elderly, social well-being of elderly
people, successful ageing.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File