
Dziomba Nataliya Myhaylivna


National worldview journalism of Ukrainian “Sixtiers” (conceptual basis, problematics and opinion forming role)

Defence Date



Dissertation brings in Ukrainian Journalism Studies knowledge about the
publicistic  activity  of  Ukrainian  intelligentsia  of  the  1960’s  („Sixtiers”),  who
have started the fight with the occupational Soviet authorities for the preserva-
tion of national identity of Ukrainians and have been harassed for it. Notwith-  20
standing  this,  they  restored  journalistics  during  Perestroika  times  and  after
declaration of Ukrainian independence. Self-published and self-distributed non-
censored texts, often referred to as „samizdat” continued to be legally published
in founded by Sixtiers periodicals and qualitative official press. Special attention
in the research paper is given to the most active publicists of the 1960’s: I. Dziu-
ba, V. Chornovil,
E. Sverstyuk, V. Moroz, Yu. Badzo, L. Kostenko, D. Pavlychko, M. Mary-
novych, etc.
An alternative to official censored journalism dissident journalism of Six-
tiers and their publications after the exit from self-publish underground are exa-
mined in two aspects – ideologically problematic and opinion-forming transfor-
mational. The present research paper presents views of Sixtiers on the issues of
the  Ukrainian  state  and  Ukrainian  national  identity,  identifies  the  role  of  the
public  intellectuals’  information activity  in  forming  public  opinion of  compat-
riots and international community and transformation of Ukrainian society.
Dissertation  is  the  first  attempt  to  study  the  journalism  of  Sixtiers  in
chronological order.
Keywords:  journalism,  worldview,  nations,  Sixties,  Sixtiers,  samizdat,
alternative  journalism,  ukrainians,  genocide/self-genocide,  public  intellectuals,
informational influence.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File