
Hermanovych Halyna Ostapivna


Medical terms with somatic components in modern Ukrainian language

Defence Date



The thesis highlights the research of medical terms with somatic components as
a unified system. The theoretical and methodological basis of the investigation of
medical lexicon with somatic components in the Ukrainian linguistics has been
analyzed; the system of organization of somatic lexicon in the medical field has been
demonstrated; specification of medical terms with somatic components has been
defined; structural models of these terms have been studied; the main topical and
lexical-semantic groups in the system of medical terms with somatic components
have been described and the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships between
them have been characterized; a place of somatisms in the structure of simple,
complex and compound terms has been found out. Also, it has been analyzed which
terms predominate in origin: Ukrainian or borrowed.
On the basis of the available resources (dictionaries) the corpus of terms has
been formed, consisting of 250 somatisms, 300 somatic components and more than
50 thousand simple, complex and compound medical terms with somatic components
included. The materials of the research will contribute to the systematization of
knowledge and widening of the information about the specificity of medical terms
with somatic components, their structure, classification group, meaning, productivity,
justification of their existence in the medical term system. The analysis has provided
valuable insight about the system organization of the investigated terminology not
only in a separate professional sphere, but also in the vocabulary of the Ukrainian
language in general, about different types of interaction of lexical-semantic units
within the language. The proposed analysis will ensure the improvement and
standardization of medical terminology.
Medical somatic vocabulary covers 5 topical groups: somonymic (body, head
and its parts, neck, trunk, upper and lower limbs), osteonymic (bones of the human
body and their unions), splanchnic (internal organs), angionimic (blood system),
sensory (sense organs).
The somatisms of these groups denote: processes (глотографія, мастоплазія);
collective concepts, mixtures, substances (гемалум, гемастронцій); names of
diseases (мастит, остеоанестезія); tumours (гемангіофіброма, остеоліпома); a
part of an organ (остеоїд, остеомер); related to the organ, its diseases (глотковий,
гепатоксичний); names of specialists (ларингоскопіст, остеолог); names of
sciences, sections, branches (гематологія, мамологія); medical devices, instruments
(гемаглобінометр, ларинготом); cells (аденобласт, нейробласт); patterns, types,
breeds, classes (гепатікола, мамомоногамус); people, individuals, fetus, having
pathological findings (гастроторакопаг, цефалодипрозоп).
Paradigmatic relationships between medical terms with somatic components
(phenomenon of polysemy, synonymy, hyper-hyponymy, antonymy and paronymy)
and syntagmatic relations have been analyzed.
Key words: somatic terminology, medical term system, national and foreign
somatisms, medical terms with somatic components, lexical-semantic group,
paradigmatics of terms with somatic components: polysemy, synonymy, hyper-
hyponomy, antonymy, paronymy, syntagmatics of such terms, term structure.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File