
Kushnir Myroslava Anatoliyivna


A behavioral asset pricing in a stock market

Defence Date



In the research paper it was represented a theoretical synthesis and was suggested a solution for the behavioral asset pricing problem in a stock market. The author specified the definition of “a stock market”, “a behavioral finance” and “a behavioral asset pricing” on a stock market. It was developed a classification of the systematic errors on the stock market. In the research paper it was highlighted the criteria of a rational and irrational behavior. Criteria were formed on the principles of decision making and the impact of systematic errors. In the thesis it was improved a behavioral irrational system of pricing in the stock market. It was suggested the methodical approach to analysis of behavioral asset pricing on stock market.

The analysis of Ukrainian stock market was based on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The author denied an assumption of a pricing rationality in the Ukrainian stock market. The investigation of pricing irrationality was based on an  analysis of technical and fundamental anomalies in the Ukrainian stock market. In the research paper it was adopted the asset pricing model to irrational behavior of the investors in the stock market.

An irrational pricing model is aimed to maximize the value of investment products for investors. In the article it was suggested a method of investors value function estimation.  The author offered to apply the situational approach to strategic planning to avoid losses of investors in case of irrational behavior in the stock market.

Keywords: stock market, behavioral asset pricing, rational asset pricing, irrational asset pricing, value function, situational approach to strategic planning to avoid losses.

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