
Martynyak Yuliya Olehivna


Mutual determination of anthropological and temporal-spatial dimensions of the political

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The work is devoted to research the political as a basic category of modern political theory. The necessity of the dual approach to the subject of political science divided according to the research of politics and the research of the political has been justified. It has been investigated that isolation of the concept of the political, distinct from the concept of politics, signifies completeness of traditional approaches to its understanding. It has been proved that the ways of conceptualization of the political vary in different cultural-linguistic spaces, it mainly refers to the German-speaking, French-speaking and English-speaking ones and it is also pointed on Russian political tradition where outline of the political is mostly statist. The analysis showed that in the domestic political discourse and the discourse of political science there is a whole layer of researches of the political that appears as a peculiar terminological gap.

It is proved that the urgency of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the political, while isolation of the political is possible mainly due to linguistic, historical and anthropological turns in science. The necessity for interpretation of political discourses through the prism of their hegemony, political processes and phenomena in the light of contextual approach, and forms and principles of co-existence through the prism of permanent correlation with others has been pointed. Within the approach of political sciences the political has been researched on the basis of the theory of frames and based on modern critical theories (it is mainly about post-Marxist approach with emphasis on distinguishing between «politics – the political», definition of politics as the social gap, the study of political subjectivity).

The features of the political are defined: contingency, idea of the common emphasis on the joint opposed to the dichotomy of «private – public», limitariness. The political is outlined as property of co-existence of individuals, based on the common as a condition and as a result, the space of which is space of rupture of the social (but it is not derived from it), space «between», constantly recreating through comparison with others. It has been proved that due to the specific of the political as a permanent change in its content, it is relevant to research it in the light of the analysis of its attribute dimensions: anthropological, temporal and spatial. The distinction between the dimensions of politics and dimensions of the political has been conceptualized: anthropological dimensions of politics are related to the study of the politics subjects, anthropological dimensions of the political – to the research of political subjection; spatial dimensions of politics are related to the research of activity spaces of politics subjects and are defined by limits of their influence, the spatial dimensions of the political – with the space of political subjection, the space of gap, limitariness, investigated due to political spatialisation; time dimensions of the politics are associated with political procedures, internal logic of the development of politics, time dimensions of the political represent a particular frame of understanding the co-existence in dynamics.

It has been found that a set of dimensions of the political is formed by the different frames of understanding of the political and politics. Accordingly, three basic types of correlation of dimensions of the political have been distinguished: 1) «territory» – «eternal recurrence» – «I-Foreign»; 2) «place» – «linearity» – «I-Other»; 3) «space of flows» – «fragmentariness» – «I – not-I». It has been proved that for the first type of correlation of dimensions of the political antagonistic relationship and domination of spatial dimension are characteristic, for the second one agonistic ones with domination of the temporal, for the third one implosive contemplation with prevalence of anthropological dimension. It has been summed up that the approach to the study of the polital sphere through the prism of isolation of types of correlation of dimensions of the political represents a particular matrix of understanding content of certain political phenomena and phenomena of the political. It has been proved that the types of correlation of dimensions of the political can co-exist within a single political field, being in complex and contradictory relationship of interdependence and inter-opposition. It has been determined that the heuristic potential of the proposed approach in the thesis in terms of deepening the current political crisis is linked to the necessity to consider the political phenomena and processes as well as the concepts and categories not in invariant manner, but in multivariate one. The relevance of this approach within the study of contemporary political processes in Ukraine has been determined.

Key Words: the political, political difference, post-marxism, anthropological dimension of the political, political spatialisation, space of the political, time of the political, political subjectification.

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