
Pryimak Sofiya Andriyivna


Economic  mechanism  of  consumer  protection  in  the  banking market in Ukraine

Defence Date



The  thesis  reveals  the  essence  consumer  protection  in  the  banking  market,
systematized  views  of  scientists  on  the  interpretation  of  terms  “banking  operations”,
“banking  services”,  “banking  product”,  “consumer  protection  in  the  banking  market”,
“economic  mechanisms  for  protecting  consumer  banking  market  “and  recommendations
for improving their definition.
Formed developed principles and economic mechanism of consumer protection in
the  banking  market (EMCPBM), considered  legal,  informational,  analytical,
organizational  and  institutional  framework  of  the  mechanism  described  forms,  methods
and tools by which the objective economic laws are implemented effectively protect the
rights  of  individuals  –  bank  customers.  The  structure  EMСPBM  include  the  following
forms:  institutional,  legal,  organizational,  functional,  competition  regulation,  financial
monitoring,  regulation  and  supervision,  quality  control,  banking,  litigation  and  court
settlement of disputes. Each form has its own methods and tools, forming tools to regulate
the relationship between consumers and banks.
Reviewed by state regulation of consumer protection in Ukraine and identified its
short  comings  and  problems.  The  necessity  of  improvement  of  the  regulation  and
development  of  an  integrated  system  feasibility  legal  measures  for  consumer  protection
banking services.  Formed  ways  of improving  Ukrainian  legislation on  protection  of  the
rights of bank customers with the standards of the EU, proposed structure of the draft Law
of Ukraine “On consumer protection in financial services” and consider other measures to
improve the legal policy of consumerism.
An empirical study of consumer protection in the banking market Ukraine using the
method of written questionnaires. The survey was completed in November 2016, which
was  involved  1500  respondents.  The  questionnaire  included  question,  which  could
determine the age, sex and education level of the respondent, to establish the extent and
categories  of  violations  and  respondent  behavior  provided  violations  of  their  rights,
identify the level of financial literacy and develop effective means of consumer protection
Based on the results of the study proved concluded that one in five consumers of financial
services faced with violations of their rights, most violations occur when you use credit,
deposit and settlement services.
The  changes  that  occurred  in  the  banking  market  over  the  last  nine  years.  The
dynamics particular number of transactions with payment cards and the volume of money
transfers  of  individuals,  the  state  of  domestic  markets  credit  and  deposit  services.
Calculated  predictive  values  of  “the  number  of  transactions  with  payment  cards”  and
“retail  deposits”  in  the  years  2017-2020.  Using  linear  and  polynomial  trend  models.
Determined  that  despite  the  difficult  situation  in  the  banking  market  volume  of
transactions  with  payment  cards  and  retail  deposits  tend  to  increase.  Found  correlation
relationships  that  exist  between  the  factors  in  the  banking  market  of  Ukraine  and  built
regression models dependence of “retail deposits” of these exogenous factors “disposable
income”, “gross national product at current prices,” “consumer price index” and “interest
rates on deposits attracted from households in the national currency.”
The world experience of alternative judicial dispute resolution mechanisms in the
financial  services  and  examined  the  prospects  for  its  use  in  Ukraine.  The  necessity  of
implementing  the  country’s  financial  institution  or  bank  ombudsman  is  expedient  to  do
based on associations or associations of banks on the German model (non-state financial
ombudsman) mediation procedure to relieve the courts of cases that can be resolved by
parties to the dispute, and improving legislation on arbitration and establishing interaction
arbitration and state courts.
Soundly conclusion about the low level of financial literacy Ukraine. To improve
the  education  of  Ukrainian  in  Finance  proposed  to  implement  in  practice  strategies  to
improve  consumer  protection  and  financial  literacy  Ukraine,  the  structure  of  which  is
considered in the work to improve educational materials on financial literacy for primary
and secondary schools to implement the program of special education teachers, journalists
and  judges  ,  strengthen  the  role  of  civil  society  organizations  for  the  protection  of
consumers of financial services.
Key words: consumer protection, market banking services, operations with payment
cards, banking, money transfers of individuals, deposits, loans, economic mechanism of
consumer  protection  in  the  banking  market,  legal  regulation  of  consumer  protection,
alternative judicial mechanisms to resolve disputes financial literacy

Dissertation File

Autosummary File