The names related to the kinds of traditional transport and communications in the Ukrainian Transcarpathian dialects
Defence Date
This candidate thesis is devoted to the research of Ukrainian dialectical vocabulary
in Transcarpathian dialects. The dissertation is the first comprehensive linguistic study of
the names of traditional kinds of transport and communications in the Ukrainian dialects
of Transcarpathia. Theoretical bases of studying dialect vocabulary and the history of
research of thematic group of transport and communications are described. Theoretical
sources concerning the complex description of dialect vocabulary, characteristics of
dialect as a system showing certain tendencies are established. About 2000 lexical items
(with a significant number of variants), collected by the author independently, have been
introduced into scientific circulation. The research is supplemented by linguistic maps,
samples of oral speech and an index of the use of names in the Ukrainian dialects of
Transcarpathia. In this work, the names of transport and communications on lexical-
semantic, etymological, word-forming and areal section are analyzed. The area of
distribution of each nomen is traced, parallels with other dialects and Slavic, non-Slavic
languages are drawn. If possible, information on the time of fixing of certain lexeme by
written works of the Ukrainian language is provided. The core of the vocabulary is
nomens inherited from the Proto-Slavic language. Evidence of the dynamic development
of speech is the presence of newly created words. The main ways of replenishing the
thematic group with one-lexeme names are determined: word formation, borrowing,
semantic transformations.
A comprehensive analysis of the thematic group of names related to traditional
kinds of transport and communications in the Ukrainian dialects of Transcarpathia
together with cartographic material, tracing area distribution, and reflection in a live
speech of speakers demonstrates the systemic nature of the dialect, confirms the
importance of regional research for replenishment of dialect vocabulary as the method of
Ukrainian literary language development.
Keywords: dialect lexicology, names of traditional kinds of transport and
communications, Ukrainian dialects of Transcarpathia, thematic group of vocabulary,
lexical and semantic group of vocabulary, semantic subgroup, sememe, system relations,
area of expansion, motivation, etymology, word formation, rethinking of the meaning,