The Rector Volodymyr Melnyk met with the EU Ambassador to Ukraine Hugo Mingarelli

Within the working visit to Lviv the Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugo Mingarelli visited the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on March 28, 2017. During the meeting with the University Rector, professor Volodymyr Melnyk the EU...

80 Norwegian students visited Lviv University

During the tour around Ukraine 80 university students from Norway visited Lviv on March 23, 2017. In order to more deeply understand Ukrainian history, society and education system of our country the representatives of Norwegian Universities visited Ivan Franko National...

The perspectives of the regional dimension of the cooperation of Ukraine and the EU were discussed at the University

On March 21, 2017 the scientific and practical seminar “The regional dimension of the interaction of Ukraine and the EU” took place at the faculty of international relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv within the project named...

Head of OSCE Documentation Center In Prague Jan Pleschinger met with students of Lviv University

Head of the OSCE Documentation Center in Prague Jan Pleschinger met with students of the Faculty of International Relations of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on March 21, 2017. During the meeting, certain issues were raised about the work...

The International Dance Council initiates cooperation with the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Lviv University

During his stay in Lviv the President of the International Dance Council of UNESCO Alkis Raftis visited the University on March 17, 2017. During the meeting with the Rector, Professor Volodymyr Melnyk, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Mariya Zubrytska, Dean of the...