Scientific Discourse of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s life creativity

On October 25, 2016 over 100 scientists from Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland gathered at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv to present their works in the sphere of Hrushevsky studies and discuss actual problems connected with the research of different...

The team of the faculty of applied mathematics and informatics of Lviv university – a winner of Sports Programing South East Europe Championship

About 50 teams from 6 countries of the world, namely from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Turkey took part in ACM-ICPC Sports Programing South East Europe Championship held simultaneously in Vinnytsia National Technical University and Politehnica University of Bucharest on...

An International Information Day of the European Union Erasmus+ Program for Universities took place in Lviv University

More than 250 participants from Ukraine, 19 countries of the EU and partner countries took part in the International Information Day of Erasmus+ for Universities on October 21, 2016. The meeting was held in the Assembly Hall of Lviv University. The...

The tragedy of Holocaust in the interpretation of Israel and Ukrainian Historians

In the cooperation with the Scientific Centre for Judaica named after Professor F. Petryakova and the Representation of the American Union of Councils for the Jews in the former Soviet Union, the scientists of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv...

University hosted Information Day of Framework Programme of the European Union on research and innovation Horizon 2020

About 100 scientists, 18 October 2016, gathered at Lviv University to learn more about the opportunities that the researchers may have within Framework Programme of the European Union Horizon 2020, in particular it concerns the features of the preparation of...