
Faryna Nataliya Hryhorivna


Complex sentences of non-segmented structure in Ivan Franko’s fictional prose

Defence Date



The  thesis  focuses  on  the  analysis  of  complex  sentences  of  non-segmented
structures in Ivan Franko’s fictional prose. Writer’s role in shaping the national language 20

accounts for a critical need to analyze complex sentences in his works with due diligence.
Additionally,  the  research  appears  relevant  due  to  discrepancies  in  the  division  of
dependent  sentence  parts  in  accordance with  semantic,  structural,  or  semantic-structural
principles,  as  well  as  the  lack  of  clear  criteria  for  determining  the  scope  of  complex
sentences of non-segmented structure. The aim of the thesis is to analyze structural and
semantic features of complex sentences with subordinate relative and complement clauses
in Ivan Franko’s fictional prose.
Research  database  includes  3383  complex  sentences  with  subordinate  clauses  of
non-segmented  structure  collected  by  continuous  sampling  method  from  Ivan  Franko’s
works  “Borislav  is  Laughing”,  “Zakhar  Berkut”  (two  author’s  lifetime  editions  (1883,
1902),  and  “Fateful  Crossroads”.  The  thesis  consists  of  contents,  introduction,  three
chapters,  conclusions,  list  of  references  (including  reference  literature  –  311  positions;
sources – 4 titles), and 10 appendices. The scope of work is 217 pages; the main body
makes 175 pages.
Introduction  gives  reasons  for  thesis  topic  selection  and  validates  research
relevance. It formulates the aim and objectives, selects the object and subject of analysis,
defines  the  sources  for  collecting  data  and  processing  methods,  outlines  the  academic
novelty,  as  well  as  theoretical  and  practical  significance  of  results.  Finally,  it  provides
information on practical evaluation of results and describes work structure and its scope.
The first chapter analyzes the nature of syntactic units, in which the subordinate part
is related to a word or phrase in the main part, and offers our own view on the issues under
discussion.  Greater  focus  is  placed  on  structural-semantic  classification,  including  its
semantic  variant.  The  chapter  studies  basic  principles  of  allocation  and  signs  of
adnominal-relative, pronominal-relative and complement complex sentences.
The  second  chapter  is  devoted  to  the  characterization  of  formal-grammatical  and
structural-semantic features of complex sentences with subordinate clauses of attributive
semantics. It analyzes the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative changes in the register
of  linking  means,  the  ways  of  subordination  for  several  predicative  parts  in  one  unit,
positions in relation to the main part, and complications of dependent parts.
The  third  chapter  elucidates  structural-semantic  specificity  of  complex  sentences
with complement subordinate clauses functioning in Franko’s prose: belonging to certain
parts of speech and significance of prop words, whose valence entails the introduction of
object part and the selection of linking means for connecting it.
It has been proven that the writer worked meticulously on the texts of his works in
revised editions, which is testified by numerous corrections in dependent parts of attribute
and object semantics found in the text of the novel “Zahar Berkut”. The research traces the
phenomenon  of  simultaneous  imposition  of  semantic-syntactic  relations  (syncretism),
which were often the result of transposition functioning of communication means or prop
words semantics.
Key  words:  complex  sentences  with  relative  subordinate  clauses,  complex
sentences  with  pronominal-relative  subordinate  clauses,  complex  sentences  with
complement  subordinate  clauses,  linking  word,  conjunction,  prop  word,  syncretism,
semantic-syntactic relations, predicate, substantive.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File