
Hirna Nataliya Myroslavivna


Scientific and Public Political Activity of Ivan Krevetskyy (1883-1940 )

Defence Date



The dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of the history sciences
Candidate in the following specialization 07.00.01. – History of Ukraine – Ivan
Franko National University of  Lviv.- Lviv, 2015.
The  scientific  and  public  political  activity  of  Ivan  Krevetskyy,  one  of  the
representatives of M. Hrushevskyy historical school in Lviv of the first third of the
twentieth century is examined in complex. The historical conditions of the academic
world  are  found  and  the  history  writing  formation  methods  is  highlighted  on  the
bases of  I. Krevetskyy scientific researches, archival and published sources, special
literature.  It  is  established  that  in  the  state  school  of  the  Ukrainian  historiography
which has been formed  by the  graduates of  Lviv University and members of which
worked  in  the  Shevchenko  Scientific  Society,  has  started  a  new  approach  to  the
evaluations of the historical process which set the basis for studying the history of the
At  the  initial  stage of  the  activity  scholar  studied the history  of  Ukrainian culture,
focusing on the princely era study (the first library at the St. Sofia church; foreigners’
evidence of Ukraine; the study of the Y. Kotermak’s (Drohobych) scientific activity
in XV. I. Krevetskyy held detailed Ukrainian memoirs analysis and established their
typology. Scientific and organizational work I. Krevetskyy performed at the historical
and philosophical section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society.
I. Krevetskyy distinguishes four forms of Ukrainian state: 1) Kiev government IX –
XII century ; 2) Galicia-Volyn state late XII – early fourteenth century; 3) Ukrainian
State of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky mid XVII c.; 4) Ukrainian state 1917-1919-th.
The  most  important  scientific  interests  included  the  study  of  agrarian  movements
1848-1849  history;  Military  History  mid-nineteenth  century;  history  of  cultural
values;  press  and  others.  Particular  attention  is  paid  to  the  work  of  “scientific
chronicle”  in  which    the  historical  evaluation  process,  analysis  of  scientific  papers
contemporary researchers conceptual positions and conclusions are presented.
The I. Krevetskyy state concept is elucidated and compared with its historiosophical
principles  of  his  teacher  Hrushevskyy  works  and  representatives  of  Lviv  historical
school works – S. Tomaszewskyy, O. Terletskyy and others.
The paper analyzes I. Krevetskyy social work  – participation in national and cultural
life  of  Galicia,  forums  and  conferences;  summarizes  its  library  and  bibliophilic
Key words: Ivan Krevetskyy, Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society, historical school,
historiographical conception, state tendency in the historiography.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File