
Kharchuk Iryna Serhijivna


Marker profiles of the Pleistocene loess-soil series of the western Ukraine as natural monuments.

Defence Date



Dissertation  for  a  scientific  degree  for  a  Candidate  of  Geographical  Sciences  in
speciality 11.00.11 – constructive geography and the rational use of natural resources. –
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, 2016.
The  dissertation  is  focused  on  the  science  providing for  the  rational  use  and
protection  of  marker  profiles  of  loess-soil  series  in  western  Ukraine. On  the  basis  of
analysis  of  literary  sources  and  field  research,  the  unique  features –  soil  and  cryogenic
phenomena,  which  predetermine  the  objects  value,  necessity  of  their  protection  as
complex  natural  monuments  and  the  possibility  of  their  use  for  scientific  aims  and  as
perspective  geotouristic  objects  are  explored. The  ball  estimation  of  the  scientific  and
tourist  potential  of  the  investigated profiles  is also carried  out. Factors  which have a
negative influence on the marker profiles of loess-soil series are analysed and measures
for their popularization and safety are developed. Databases of main loess sections were
created and appeals to create geological monuments at the local level were made.
Key  words:  marker  profiles,  loess-soil  series,  complex  natural  monument,  geosite,
stratotype, loess geotourism.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File