
Kovalchuk Juliya Vasylivna


The fenomenon of love in the European philosophy 19-20 centuries

Defence Date



The candidate`s thesis is devoted to the justification of existential plane phenomenon of love
in  European  philosophy  19-20  centuries  based  on  an  appeal  to  the  philosophical  heritage  of  S.
Kierkegaard, M. Unamuno, N. Berdyaev, G. Marcel and J-P. Sartre. It is revealed the sense of love
as  a  existential  way  to  their  identity;  as  a  the  premise  of  existential  dialogue  between  «I»  and
«Thou»; as a mystical unity of two in the light of the idea of androgynous. In the candidate`s thesis
was  investigated  and  realized  differentiation  between  love-agape  and  caritas-love,  and  between
spiritual  and  sexual  love.  Violated  the  medieval  conflict  areas  tribal  an  individual  in  the  human
being.  In  the  context  of  love  problems  especially  the  example  of  the  philosophy  of  love  N.
Berdyaev and F. Baader, are considered the cult of eternal feminity and the cult of the Virgin Mary.
Established that the hignest level of love is the religious love, that realizes through the two
images: image of God`s and image of human`s. The human`s image of love has the two vectors:
directed to God and directed to human. In thesis is rethought the category of Other based on use the
terminology of philosophy of dialogue and there are two types of relationships: love that taking  –
relation  «I-It»  and  love  that  giving  –  relationship  «I-Thou».  Investigated  the  problem  of
reproduction androgynous image of God in human as a result of finding true love. The novelty of
the  research  lies  in  find  heuristic  potential  Christian  androgynous  understanding  of  love,  and  in
identify the impact of particular life situation to the formation of philosophy of existential thinkers
in the context of love.
Keywords: love, existentialism, androgyny, agape, caritas, eros, Other, dialogue, relationship
«I- Thou», relation «I- It».

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