
Kuchyk Halyna Bohdanivna


Structural, Semantic and Discursive Peculiarities of English Language Statutory Documents of International Organizations

Defence Date



The thesis is devoted to complex analysis of structural, lexical semantic, functional stylistic and discursive peculiarities of English statutory documents of international organizations. Statutory documents of international organizations are considered to be a separate kind of international legal documents. They are shown to be political texts by their nature, as they are the result of expressing the political will of states – members of the communicative process in the international arena. It is established that statutory documents of international organizations by their form are the documents of diplomatic-regulatory substyle.

The etymological analysis of the titles of statutory documents of international organizations has been presented. The structural analysis of the characteristics of statutory texts with the following definition of the characteristics of each structural element (title, preamble, main part, final provisions) has been performed. Main features of the use of special terminology – cliches, archaisms as well as Greek, Latin and French terminology in English statutory documents of international organizations have been defined. The statutory documents of international organizations have the following stylistic features: consistency, officiality, precision, stereotype. The discursive categories such as connectivity, integrity, information and completeness due to which a text is perceived as a whole have been analyzed.

Key words: text, statutory documents of international organizations, semantics, discourse, special terminology.

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