
Kutuzova Maryana Myhajlivna


Stock Market of Ukraine in Conditions of global Financial Instability.

Defence Date



Dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of economic sciences, specialty
08.00.08 –Money, finances and credit. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. –
Lviv, 2016.
Theoretical,  methodological  and  practical  fundamentals  of  the  stock  market  of
Ukraine in an unstable global financial environment were studied in the dissertation.
The  essence  of  the  stock  market  as  a  necessary  element  of  the  market  economy
infrastructure was proved.
Systematizing of the historical genesis of scientific thought on the formation and
development of the stock market in Ukraine was made to highlight historic milestones
of  the  stock  market  for  certain  types  of  social  production  and  stages  of  economic
It  is  proved  that  the  origin  and  development  of  the  stock  market  in  Ukraine  is
closely related to the functioning of the market of real assets.
A  system  of  internal  and  external  factors  that  influence  the  formation  and
effective functioning  of the stock  market  in  market and transitional  economies was
The mechanism of state regulation of the stock market of Ukraine was improved.
It  includes  formation  of  special  instruments  of  state  regulation  of  securities  market
and  institutional  infrastructure;  revitalization  of  institutional  investors  activity,
especially  investment  and pension  funds;  development of information infrastructure
and increase of the share of electronic trading networks in the stock market and new
financial  instruments,  including  infrastructure  bonds,  long-term  government  bonds
indexed to inflation.
The  necessity  of  self-regulation  of  the  stock  market  of  Ukraine  in  modern
conditions was grounded. The principle of maximum self-regulation stipulates that the
state  regulates  the  activity  of  the  market  only  when  it  is  absolutely  necessary  and
delegates  part  of  its  rule-making  and  regulatory  functions  to  professional  securities
market operators organized in self-regulatory organizations (SROs )
The  modern  concept  of  the  operation  and  development  of  the  stock  market  in
terms of Ukraine’s economy is based on using the methods of structural and functional
analysis  of  the  stock  relations  nature  and  institutional  theory  of  property  rights.  It
allows to get a systematic understanding of the stock market as an economic category
and  apply  it  as  a  mechanism  for  effective  financial  resources  redistribution  and
transformation of property relations.
Key words: financial market, stock market, international stock market, securities
market, the mechanisms of regulation of the stock market, stock market instruments,
the functions of the stock market, stock exchange, securities, stocks, bonds.

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