
Lipin Mykola Iiktorovych


Education and power in the socio-cultural challenges of the information world

Defence Date



восприятия социальной реальности. Обнаружено, что образование реализует
собственный сущность, воспроизводя «внутреннюю форму» эпохи, которая
проявляется в мышлении и знании как определяющих параметров построения
содержания социокультурной жизни, в его сегментации по отдельным сферам с
сохранением внутреннего единства и структурной целостности.
Осуществлен анализ продуктивной роли власти в социальных процессах,
показано ее сопричастность проблемам формирования мировоззренческих и
аксиологических ориентиров личности. Указано, что власть, наряду с
принуждением, управлением и контролем, формирует, производит и
конструирует людей. Обосновывается единство власти и творчества как двух
взаимосвязанных, но содержательно разных способов организации
образовательного пространства. Выявлено эмерджентный характер образования,
энергия и взаимодействие элементов которого образуются сетевой организацией
глобального медиасоциума. Доказано, что вызовы информационного мира
обусловливают поиск новых теоретических оснований социально-
педагогической деятельности на основе принципа человекоцентризма, который
обусловливает формирование в образовании инновационных качеств и свойств.
Ключевые слова: образование, власть, мышление, знание,
информационный мир, творчество, инновации, личность.

Lipin M. V. Education and power in the socio-cultural challenges of the
information world. – On the rights of the manuscript.
Dissertation for scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 09.00.03 –
Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History. Ivan Franko National University of
Lviv. – Lviv, 2020.
The analysis of transformation dynamics of the place, meaning and role of
knowledge in the modern digital reality actualizes the issues of education and power
as determining ways of constituting human subjectivity. Based on this, the study
focuses on the essence and significance of the institute of education in the processes of
intellectual and creative development of the individual and the reproduction of forms
of perception of social reality. Clarification of the theoretical content of the phenomena
of education and power is carried out considering the heuristic potential of socio-
philosophical, culturological, sociological, epistemological, semiological,
phenomenological, postmodernist paradigms. Education realizes its own essence,
reproducing the “internal form” of the era, which is manifested in thinking and
knowledge as determining parameters for constructing the content of socio-cultural
life, in its segmentation into individual areas while maintaining its internal unity as a
Identifying the constitutive role of power in the processes of individuation
represents its involvement in the problems of cognition, education, the formation of
worldviews and axiological guidelines of the individual. The paper notes that power
not only coerces, superintends and controls people, it shapes, produces and elaborates

them. The author substantiates power and creativity as two interconnected, but
substantially different ways of organizing the educational space.
The study revealed the emergent nature of education, the energy and structure of
interaction of the elements of which are formed by the network organization, and not
determined by hierarchical structures. Education is a system that allows individuals to
interact in a particular community to acquire new properties and qualities. The
challenges of the information world determine the search for new theoretical
foundations of socio-pedagogical activities based on the principle of human-
centeredness. In its context, the narratives of identity, elite, competent specialist and
personality appear as ways to determine the desired image of man and society.
In the dissertation work the correlation of knowledge and power in the situation
of informatization of all spheres of social reality is revealed. The analysis showed that
the way of thinking formed in the context of new educational norms and principles in
the industrial age has a material and economic context and is a measure of determining
the “usefulness” of the individual, for the formation of which “useful” knowledge is
formed. In this context, the constitution of education as an institutional center for the
development of public space for discussion and reflection, a culture of thinking,
without which the very idea of a democratic community and civil society is impossible.
It is noted that the introduction of contextual knowledge into the educational
process as a condition for the development of thinking and activity of all subjects
involved in it can transform educational process into a space of creativity and freedom.
Concentrating the fundamental problems of human existence, thinking can be
understood as a personal way of existence, in which the search for and cognition of the
meanings of reality involves bringing oneself in line with its essential dimensions. It is
proved in the dissertation, that the development of human thinking depends on socio-
cultural, political and economic preconditions, in which it manifests itself.
In the dynamics of the global world, the reform of education becomes important,
which involves the definition of new value imperatives, theoretical and methodological
principles. An important task is to overcome the selfish “instinct” by means of
education and upbringing, which helps to identify socio-cultural and intellectual
priorities of the individual. The most effective in overcoming the problem of
“selfishness” is the principle of anthropocentrism, which today affirms the meaning of
education, its content and the necessary foundation for self-affirmation. In the
dissertation study the research of heuristic potential of anthropocentrism as a new
paradigm of education, which is realized in the ability to provide resistance to
degradation and spiritual collapse of modern mass culture and commodification of
society. The analysis showed that philosophical and anthropological paradigms and
socio-pedagogical concepts are developed based on the criterion of truth or power. The
images of the “right” person incorporated into the educational space are defined as
means of struggle for the right to impose a legitimate image of a person and to carry
out the procedure of normalization of social interaction.
Key words: education, power, thinking, knowledge, information world,
creativity, innovation, personality.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File