
Matiychyk Andriy Vasyliovych


Self-оrganization of сivil society as a factor in a democratic modernization of the political system of Ukraine

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The thesis provides scientific theoretical foundation of self-organization of civil society as a factor in a democratic modernization of the political system of Ukraine. The evolution of scientific knowledge about the role of civil society in the functioning of the political system is explored. Methodology research in the process of self-organization of civil society in a democratic modernization of the political system of Ukraine is adapted. On the basis of analysis of conceptual and categorical apparatus research the authors’ definition of categories «self-organization of civil society» and «citizens’ initiative» are formulated.

The analysis of the legal and regulatory framework, funding schemes of civil society, statistical indicators of public involvement and information and communication technologies impact on the development of civil society European countries is done. Institutional and legal conditions of civil society in modern Ukraine are determined. The influence of political and cultural factors of civil the society development is discovered.

Modern mechanisms of self-organization of civil society in Ukraine are studied. The specific of citizens’ initiative is considered. The volunteering as a determinant of civil society is defined. Modern information technologies as a means of self-organization of civil society are analyzed.

Keywords: civil society, political system, political modernization, democratization, political culture, political activity, self-organization, citizens’ initiative, volunteer organizations, internet-technologies.

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