
Sych Vitaliy Andriyovych


Systematics and assessment of recreational and tourism potential of the region on the basis of geographical environment and recreational clusters

Defence Date



The dissertation is devoted to solving the current scientific problem of
developing methodological principles and methodological directions of research of
recreational and tourism potential as a new direction of taxonomy and evaluation of
recreational goods of the region. Approbation of such studies was conducted at the
regional level, where the geoplanning aspects of structuring the recreational and
tourism potential of the Ukrainian Black Sea region with comparative analysis of the
natural framework of environmental safety of the region as the main component of its
resource potential and the framework of anthropogenic and man–made loads of
territory and acts as an anti–resource, which significantly limits recreational and
tourism activities.
Various scientific views on the interpretation of the concepts of “recreational
potential” and “tourism potential” were analyzed at the dissertation. The concept of
recreational and tourism potential was introduced and methodologically developed,
which significantly expands the subject area of inventory and evaluation of
recreational goods. Along with the traditional consideration of the conditions and
resources of tourism and recreation, as well as their many components, the problem
of their integrated representation as a potential is indicated.
The concept of recreational and tourism activity, which integrates all areas of
recreation and health and combines recreational and tourism activities into integrated
intersectoral complexes at the regional level, and economic sectors at the level of
national economies is methodologically developed in the dissertation.
The dissertation for the first time developed the concept of recreational
environments, which establishes a new territorial unit of the territorial organization of
recreational and tourism activities, along with traditional territorial recreational
systems and tourist destinations and regions. The recreational environment is
formalized as a result of the imposition and interaction of the original environments –
natural, historical and cultural, social, man-made, economic, ecological. The integral
characteristic of the recreational environment cannot be represented by a simple sum
of its constituent indicators – it is the effect of the emergence of the system.
The methodological scheme of systematization of recreational goods is offered,
which includes the division of recreational goods into natural, cultural, historical and
socio–economic, as well as areas of use of recreational goods – public, collective,
individual. The main methodological approaches to the assessment of recreational
conditions and resources are marked at the intersections of these headings.
An important stage of scientific research was the study of theoretical and
methodological principles of component and functional assessments of recreational
and tourism potential by differential and integrated approaches. In the dissertation
proposes a methodological scheme for assessing the recreational and tourism
potential of recreational environments. According to the given scheme the conditions
and resources of recreational and tourism activity are distributed on the main
components of the geographical environment.
The geoplanning aspects of inventory and assessment of recreational and
tourism potential was taken into account in the paper. The planning possibilities of
the comparative characteristic of a natural framework of ecological safety and the
geospatial organization of the population and economy of region are shown on the
example of the Ukrainian Black Sea coast Region.
Key words: recreational and tourism potential, recreational and tourism activity,
recreational environment, framework of anthropogenic and technogenic loads,
recreational cluster, the Ukrainian Black Sea region, natural framework of ecological
safety of the territory.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File