
Sychyk Kateryna Borysivna


Political discourse of democracy in terms of socio-cultural transformation of the information society

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In the thesis a concept study of discourse of democracy in the context of socio-cultural transformation of the information society is marked based on a comprehensive study of a wide range of sources and analytical research papers and the scientific values of the potential possibilities of democracy as a form of political organization to ensure the development of the social organism based on the values ​​of humanism, social justice and equality are presented.

Based on the features of the discourse of democracy in a society of communication glut the basics of crisis of socio-political organization of the EU are considered. A retrospective of some major macroeconomic activities of EU institutions is implemented. The essential features of reproduction of ideologies of neo-liberal global discourse in the processes of cultural and economic self-production states of modern Europe are investigated. The understanding of the consumer society, which has developed in the context of the left’s critique of political theory of neo-liberalism, is systematized. One of the processes of formation of an alternative critical discourse that takes place in the structures of the reaction of the “new right” to capture the symbolic power of the QMS by the ideologists of the “new left” is considered.

The following trends of the new political discourse of democracy are identified: the closeness of formation (power-knowledge is replacing the “people power” concept); the criticality (refusal from the authorities of the theory and practice of democracy); the instrumentality of application (usage of language structures in order to achieve political objectives); the contextuality (is generated and analyzed in context, can change values rapidly and drastically); the eclecticism (combination of different discourses and values ​​in a structure of a single integrity); the instability (the rejection of universalism of the modern).

Key words: discourse, Post-Marxism, semiotic analysis, mass media, democracy, social and cultural transformation, “New Left”.

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