
Konсiсka Grazhyna


Teoretical and Methodological Basis of Feminist Move­ments in Politics Research

Defence Date



The dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of the candidate of the political studies in the following specialization 23.00.01 – Theory and History of Political Science. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – Lviv, 2017.

The dissertation is a complex research of theoretical and methodological basis of feminist movements in politics. The concept of “feminist movements in politics” and the stages of its conceptualization are detalized in the work. The features of the feminist system functioning as the political theory in the context of women’s movements ideology and political doctrines are researched. In particular definitions and additional arguments trends and directions in feminist movements are presented, the processes established by the divisionon: “first wave” feminism, “second wave” feminism, “third wave” feminism are analyzed.

The feminism is shown as such which is based on doctrines of equal rights of women in the theory and common life; the feministicpolicy is elucidated as a type of relationships that exists in the authorities when one group rules another. The common understanding of the notion “political” combines more politics of public life than private. Gender inequality in society is held to functioning in its division of labor with regard to gender consideration more “natural” than for “political”. It is found that the purpose of political movements in feminism is the realization of the following tasks: the recognition by women similar civil rights as men enjoy; intellectual emancipation of women; achieving by women equal political rights with men, and then equal participation in political activities.

As a special research direction is the example of women’s movements of leader­ship and culture of sex, where a concept of “the problem of women’s leader­ship,” “patriarchy and gender culture”, “nature and culture of feminism” are clarified.

The new research methodology of feminist movements and analyzes of the feminist movement content in Ukraine and Poland are proposed; activities of women’s bodies in terms of gender liberalization are outlined; the phenomenon of Ukrainian «Femen» are found.

The problem of the feminist factor in modern political movements are cha­racterized in the context of new “female” political doctrines and practices of modern feminism.

Key words: feminism, political movements, theoretical and methodological basis, “the problem of women’s leadership,” “patriarchy culture and sex,” Ukraine, Poland.

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