
Vasylkiv Maryana Volodymyrivna


Consulting services in the system of foreign economic activity in Ukraine

Defence Date



A  dissertation  for  the  scientific  degree  of  candidate  of  science  in  the  field  of
economics by speciality 08.00.02 – world economy and international economic relations.
Lviv national university by Ivan Franko, Lviv, 2016.
A  set  of  challenges  is  solved  in  the  dissertation  regarding  the  scientific
substantiation of theoretical and methodological basis and practical tools of consulting
services usage in the system of foreign economic activity of Ukraine.
In particular, the approaches to the typology of consulting services in the system of
foreign economic activity are improved, supplemented by a list of types of services by
subjects and technological stages of foreign trade activities, as well as the expediency is
justified  and  a  conceptual  economic-mathematical  model  of  the  typology  of  the
consulting  objects  in  the  system  of  foreign  economic  activity  is  developed,  which,  as
opposed  to  the  existed  approaches,  allows  the  identification  of  new  services  and  new
opportunities to provide consulting support of foreign economic activity.
A new approach to the essential interpretation of consulting support of the subjects
of  foreign  economic  activity,  the  definition  of  its  role  and  place  in  the  system  of  the
foreign  economic  activity  operation  and  regulation  subjects  is  proposed  in  the
dissertation. A set of consulting approaches was found out in this system, and its new
functions  were  shown  up:  transformational,  disturbing,  function  of  countering  quasi-
consulting, formation of new institutions and agencies.
The  author  has  improved  methodological  approaches  to  assessing  the  level  of
implementation  of  consulting  capacity  in  the  field  of  foreign  economic  activities,  in
particular methodological approach is justified, the use of which allows to establish the
demand and offer of consulting services in the structure of foreign economic activities, as
well  as  the  factors,  obstacles  and  tools  for  development  of  consulting  services  in  the
system of foreign economic activity.
It  was  found  that  the  consulting  services  for  the  subjects  of  foreign  economic
activity of Ukraine are insufficient: small share of consulting services in the GDP and in
export  of  services,  inexpedient  structure  of  services,  low  competitiveness  of  domestic
consulting services in foreign markets, lack of the sample standards of accounting and

quality of provided services, monitoring of consulting support of the subjects of foreign
economic activity.
It is proved that the most significant shortcomings of the institutional environment
of consulting services for the subjects of foreign economic activity of Ukraine are the lack
of a clear legal identification of consulting and its types, the unsettled license conditions
for  consulting  activities,  deficiency  of  the  activities  of  institutional  infrastructure  and
professional  and  public  organizations  of  management  consultants,  lack  of  professional
and corporate norms and standards for consulting, lack of information database of outer
market of management and consulting services.
The  strategic  approaches  are  improved  to  enhance  the  provision  of  consulting
support  of  the  subjects  of  foreign  economic  activity  by  justifying  objectives,  strategic
priorities and benchmarks, tools to provide and monitor the effectiveness of the policy of
increased consulting support in the system of foreign economic activity. The creation of
the  environment,  conductive  to  increase  in  volume  and  improving  the  quality,
improvement of the efficiency and increase in the availability of consulting services for
the subjects of foreign economic activity, is identified as the goal of the policy of the
development of consulting the Ukraine’s foreign economic activity subjects.
This goal can be achieved by the implementation of such strategic objectives: 1)
development of domestic consulting companies; 2) enhancement of the access of foreign
economic activity subjects to consulting services; 3) strengthening of consulting support
of state policy of foreign economic activity development; 4) improving the quality and
restricting of the state monopoly on information and consulting services; 5) development
of  an  institutional  basis  and  infrastructure  of  consulting  support  of  foreign  economic
activity; 6) coordination of state priorities of foreign economic activity development, the
interests of its members, market institutions and consulting companies.
The organizational and economic tools of consulting services development in the
sphere of foreign economic activity were developed in the research owing as a result of
the justification of the priorities system and means to achieve them in the following areas:
the development of consulting companies; improving access of foreign economic activity
subjects to the consulting services; strengthening of the consulting support of the state
policy in the sphere of international economic relations; improving the organization of
activity  of  domestic  companies  in  the  international  market  of  consulting  services;
development  of  institutional  basis  and  infrastructure  of  consulting;  harmonization  of
interests of the state, the subjects of foreign economic operations and the institutions of
Key words: consulting services, objects and subjects of consulting services, sphere
of  foreign  economic  activity,  system  of  international  economic  relations,  institutional
providing, strategic prospects, mechanisms and facilities of development.

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Dissertation File

Autosummary File