
Zubyk Andriy Ihorovych


Modern  Ukrainian  diaspora:  resettlement,  socio-  and demogeographical processes

Defence Date



The thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the problem of Ukrainian diaspora.
The theoretical and methodological foundations of its social and geographical research are elaborated.
Defined socio-geographic basis for the term “Diaspora” in the interpretation of
different fields scholars, clarified the methodology for the research of diaspora. Based on
the programmes of censuses that had been conducted in the countries of residence of the
Ukrainian diaspora, were analysed ethno-cultural criteria by which to identify Ukrainians.
Carried  out  classification  of  countries  according  to  the  information  basis  of  the  census.
The factors that affect the migration of Ukrainians and ethno geographic processes in the
environment  of  the  Ukrainian  diaspora  were  allocated.  Analysed  publications  on  the
subject  of  diaspora,  and  the  main  scientific  works,  which  reveal  the  theoretical  and
practical aspects of the research topic.
The thesis defines the peak migration periods and the number of Ukrainians who has
emigrated from Ukraine at each of them. Also clarified the periods of the Ukrainian ethnic
territory formation and determined the Ukrainian ethnic territories, which are part of other
countries.  Carried  out  a  detailed  analysis  of  the  economic  indicators  that  affect  the
decision  to  migrate.  Selected  main  countries  to  which  is  directed  the  modern  labour
Analyzed the resettlement of Ukrainians in 27 countries. According to the results of
census were created maps of settlement in the terms of the administrative units of middle
and  lower  level.  Particular  attention  is  paid  to  the  resettlement  of  Ukrainians  in  the
Ukrainian ethnic territories, which included to other countries. Revealed the dynamics of
the increase and decrease of the number of Ukrainians in the last decade, as well as the
main  causes  that  affect  it.  The  thesis  also  revealed  changes  in  the  resettlement  of  the
Ukrainian diaspora in terms of macro-regions.
Set the number of native Ukrainian speakers in the world based on ethno linguistic
criterion  in  the  population  census;  defined  ethnolinguistic  conformity  of  Ukrainians  in
terms of administrative units; founded the regularity in spreading of Ukrainian language in
the world.
The  analysis  of  age-sex  structure  of  the  Ukrainian  diaspora  was  conducted.
Discovered educational level of Ukrainians, held its comparison with the representatives
of the titular nation.
The thesis considers the problems of Diaspora issues and provides recommendations
for their solution. The obtained results can be used by public authorities at various levels
for  the  formation  of  Diaspora  policy  in  addressing  cultural,  linguistic,  legal  and
educational needs, to be applied in the preparation of the Ukrainian language development
in the Ukrainian Diaspora programs.
Theoretical and applied provisions of the dissertation can be used in the teaching of
academic  subjects  “Geography  of  population,  Geography  of  migration”,  “Ethnic
Keywords:  demogeographical  processes,  diaspora  policy,  ethnic  minority,  ethnic
territory,  ethnic  composition  of  the  population,  ethnogeographical  processes,
ethnogeography,  ethno-linguistic  geography,  home  language,  language  composition  of
population, native language, Ukrainian diaspora.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File