The Graduate of the University Taras Matviiv Died in the Joint Forces Operation Zone

The students, professors and employees of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv express deep sadness after the irreparable loss – the death of Taras Matviiv the graduate of the Faculty of Journalism, the platoon leader of the 24th mechanized brigade...

Academic journals of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv were included into the List of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine

11 academic journals of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv were included into the List of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine. It was mentioned in the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №886 issued on July...

Students and Professors of L’viv University joined German partners’ webinars

In June, 2020 the students and professors of the University had the opportunity to attend a number of workshops on the scientific marketing. The studies were held within the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) project “German-Ukrainian Transfer University Partnership” (GUTT.UP)...

International Students From 10 World Countries Demonstrated Knowledge in Ukrainian

Traditionally for Center of International Education and Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University the presentation contest “My beloved motherland” was conducted at the end of the academic year. On May 31, 2019 foreigners...

Deputies of German Bundestag Met With Rector and Students of Lviv University

On May 24, 2019, the delegation of deputies of German Bundestag paid a visit to Lviv University. Among the members of the delegation Omid Nouripour Head of German-Ukrainian parliamentary friendship group (the Alliance ’90/The Greens), C. Müller (Social party), Deputy...