
Ohinok Solomiya Vasylivna


Franchising as a tool of formation of a single EU market

Defence Date



This research focuses on the impact of franchising on the formation of a
single EU market. The evolution of classic and modern views on the formation
and development of a common and unified EU market was illustrated. The place
of franchise business strategy in European economic integration was defined. The basic mechanisms of state regulation of franchising and their impact
on its development and distribution were researched. Using panel data regression
analysis  with  fixed  effects,  the  influence  of  state  regulation  of  property  rights
protection  in  the  country  (as  the  institutional  variable)  on  the  growth  of
franchising in this country was defined.
It  was  found  that  for  the  franchisor  it  had  positive  and  economically
significant  causal  effect,  but  for  the  franchisee  it  was  opposite  –  weaker
regulation for the protection of property rights could be much more motivated to
develop their activities, creating a greater number of franchise outlets.
Franchising  promotes  the  strengthening  of  economic  relations  between
countries at this stage of their development, as today it is involved in almost all
areas of economic activity and is one of the most effective and democratic ways
of transcending national markets. This is exactly why it was important to prove
the effect of franchising on economic growth.
For studying the impact of franchise value on economic growth the EU
Member States and Ukraine, an econometric analysis of panel data with fixed
effects was conducted, and the importance of franchising to the economic growth
of European countries including Ukraine was confirmed.
The  usage  of  franchising  as  a  mechanism  to  activate  the  innovative
activity in Ukraine will increase the effectiveness of innovation introduction in
the economy. A franchise form of business activity organization will enhance the
efficiency  of  the  Ukrainian  economy,  and  increase  the  competitiveness  of
national products  in  the European  market because of  that  the  franchising  stra-
tegies  of  European  companies’  entry  on  the  Ukrainian  market  were  analyzed
(with the example of Poland). In the context of integration the efficacy of the
franchise tool for business in Ukraine was proven .
The  dissertation  aims  to  investigate  the  special  features  of  a  franchise
strategy  of  the  entry  of  European  networks  into  the  Ukrainian  market.  It  is
characterized  with  practical  and  social  implications  as  regards  extending  the
knowledge  of  the  possibilities  to  use  еuropean  franchises  in  the  Ukraine.  It  is
characterized  with  practical  and  social  implications  as  regards  extending  the
knowledge of the possibilities to use еuropean franchises in the Ukraine.
Keywords: franchising, common EU market, single EU market, integra-
tion, European business.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File