
Pasichnyy Roman Yaroslavovych


Formation of socio-political doctrine of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

Defence Date



Pasichny R. J. Formation of socio-political doctrine of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. – As a manuscript.

A thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Ph. D in Political Sciences, by speciality 23.00.01 – Theory and History of Political Sciences. – Lviv National University of Ivan Franko of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv, 2016.

The thesis is a holistic political science research that shows the main directions of research on social concepts of the Greek-Catholic Church, their influence on political reality, scholars and denominational theologians. Working their scientific results allowed to define a space in which overlapping functions of religion and politics, the point of intersection of their interests, identify common and distinctive features in nature and the impact on society of social phenomena. The emergence of a significant number of theoretical development of the problem of the relationship of politics and religion mainly historical, social, philosophical and religious studies aspects, also requires political science study of major trends and trends of interaction of political and religious structures, determine the socio-political space, in which the crossing of basic functions, interests and so on. Detailed analysis of the sources and the social doctrine of the separation of the «binding principle» allowed to divide them into doctrinal (official documents of the church), and nedoktrynalni – work of Catholic theologians, philosophers, sociologists and economists who are of an advisory nature.

This allowed obґruntovaty politological definition of the concepts of «social doctrine» and «social teaching,» they point out the similarities and fundamental differences. The above terms and concepts «social discourse», «political transformation», «socio-political transformation» terminological database accounted for this study.

Analyzed the chronological framework of the formation of Catholic social doctrine, determined that the political aspects of the social doctrine, in the official documents of the Catholic Church ahead of time social. This is due to review the concept of «social doctrine» in its broadest sense and determined starts becoming Catholic social doctrine. Applying political science and philosophical approaches in the study of the political aspects of social doctrine, formed objective interdisciplinary approach of the research object, and with religious approaches to the study of research object reveals the inner depth and content of social teaching.

The process of formation and development of Catholic social teaching, which made it possible to determine the basic principles and concepts: dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity, the common good, which is fundamental to the Church’s social doctrine. It is shown that the Catholic Church interprets the world as a meeting place with God, through his teaching and developing a sense of responsibility for it. Thus in the social aspects of teaching includes a wide range of issues – from human dignity to politics and economics. In his doctrine of Catholicism seeks to understand the issue of social justice, individual place in the world and its attitude. Considering the problem of formation of socially oriented state, in the Christian sense, has been allocated the principles of solidarity, justice and mutual responsibility in society. Church social teaching as a subject directly considers only religious and moral aspects of social problems, and its political, economic and social aspects are considered indirectly in terms of their compliance with Christian morals.

Reproduced system of anthropological and social views of the Greek Catholic doctrine. Considered Christian vision of the complex social problems that the Church considered important and relevant in today’s world. Conducted political analysis of the UGCC and its clerical organizations in the political life of independent Ukraine suggests that her social doctrine is presented as a normative social theory confirmed in official documents of the Church. The social doctrine of the Greek Catholic system appears as a «practical» modernization of the Greek-Catholic attitude to social «call time». The dissertation research showed the presence of religions in their own potential and specific methods of modernization, which makes it possible to adapt the teaching to the various social conditions exist in today’s dynamic world.

The social doctrine of the Church and its impact on the socio-political processes in Ukraine. The political aspects of the Church’s social doctrine considered as a theological and anthropological nature of the legislative system. Defined principles underlying the doctrine of social and historical conditions that contributed to its development, evolution and formation of social doctrine. We consider the formation of social and political doctrine of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the context of socio-political transformations in Ukraine, her understanding nature of the state and political power, the position of the Church on democracy as a political system and form of government, and urgent social and political problems. The mechanism of influence of the Church in social doctrine on society and the political process and reverse the impact of socio-political transformations in the social doctrine, which causes its modification according to the requirements of time, in the light of Catholic doctrine with regard to local ethical and cultural features. It is proved that the establishment of official documents which legitimize socio-political phenomena on the social discourse, give them estimates of «true» justification of the social order, norms and values, activities in the socio-political process removes the social doctrine of the Church on the political level and makes it socially -political color, and member of the church itself does social diysnosti.Yak result influenced by social change, the amount of modifications to transform the social doctrine of the Church, in the socio-political.

Keywords: social doctrine, the social doctrine Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, socio-political relations, church-state relations, transformation, social discourse, the common good, subsidiarity, solidarity, dignity.

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