
Voitovych Mariia Andriyivna


Asymptotic properties of subharmonic and analytic functions in the unit ball

Defence Date



In the thesis it is described the asymptotic behavior of pth means of the invariant Green potential in terms of smoothness properties of the measure. It is a generalization of the result due to M. Stoll. Also, based on previous results, it is investigated the asymptotic behavior of M-subharmonic functions in the unit ball in terms of smoothness properties of the Riesz measure and the boundary measure. Also we are interested in description of the growth of analytic and harmonic functions in the unit ball represented by the Cauchy-Stieltjes or Poisson-Stieltjes integrals. We find estimates in terms of smoothness of the Stieltjes measure using the modulus of continuity of Stieltjes measure. In PhD Thesis it is described the growth of spirallike functions in the unit disk.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File